Bullet Points: Second in Command

You might have heard that second is the first loser. Naming a movie after the first loser doesn’t seem like a good idea. However, having Jean-Claude Van Damme in your movie is a good idea....

Jean-Claude Van Damme from A to Z

Over the last decade it feels like we have covered Jean-Claude Van Damme from A to Z. Countless movie reviews, trivia, special features, memorable fight scenes, and even the music from some of JCVD’s classic...

20 Reasons Why You Suck: The Hills Have Eyes 2

It’s Halloween Season so you’re bound to find a few “non-action” films floating around BulletproofAction.com. I’d like to think we rarely break our rule of having things covered outside of the action genre but this...

Bullet Points: American Rampage

Apparently I was out of the loop where 1989’s American Rampage was concerned. Until it popped up on YouTube a few weeks back, I had no idea the movie even existed. I certainly didn’t know...