The Essentials: Underrated Action of the 1990’s

Chad Cruise

FF, 11B, Pro Wrestler, Children's Book Author?? Co-founder of Bulletproof Action and Co-host of The Bulletproof Podcast. Follow Chad on Twitter @ChadCruise

4 Responses

  1. Beautiful list, man.

    ‘Speed’ really deserves recognition as one of the best films of the 90s.

  2. Chad Cruise says:

    Thanks Dominic! The list probably could have been three times as long. The best part after making a list is finding the ones that I missed or ones that I haven’t seen! What would you add?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Since you’ve left out STONE COLD I’d include ROGUE FORCE (1998) aka RENEGADE FORCE aka COUNTERFORCE. Action gold.

  4. Just reviewed Zero Tolerance with Robert Patrick, I’ll have to track this one down.

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