Scene of the Week: A Lover of All Animals
Mascots. That is probably enough to get some of you upset. The world of mascots is a weird and wonderful place that usually has me feeling nonplussed. On the one hand mascots for the most part look stupid and do nothing for my enjoyment of a sporting competition, but on the other hand I realize that mascots skew to a younger demographic and are just there for fun. Every once in a while, mascots will do something that is worth watching… like when they try playing football, when their heads accidentally come off, or when they seriously injure themselves in the pursuit of entertainment. At the top of mascot shenanigans that is worth watching is the mascot fight, and this can either be with another mascot or a real person. This weeks Scene of the Week takes a look a what happens when a stupid mascot causes famed pet detective, Ace Ventura, a chance to recover an expensive bird during the Super Bowl big game at the finale of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.

The 1994 film Ace Ventura: Pet Detective has a lot of good things going for it, Jim Carrey at his comedic best, Courtney Cox looking fine, Tone Loc in a serious role, Dan Marino and his Isotoners, and Sean Young looking fine (until Captain Winky shows up). The film mostly focuses on Ace Ventura’s attempt to recover Snowflake, the stolen mascot of the Miami Dolphins, and a kidnapped Dan Marino before the Super Bowl appearance against the Philadelphia Eagles. Ventura’s is able to recover the dolphin and Dolphin and stop the deranged former kicker behind the abductions when he notices a bird he has been chasing right on the sidelines… until mascot.