Women of Action: Olivia Munn – The Predator
As a self-described expert on Predator and someone whose life was forever altered by the original film, I found it very difficult to watch this “sequel”. You could say that I was holding my breath from the moment the film started but it wouldn’t do it justice. I’ll wait a few days to write up a proper review on the film (as I think it deserves one) but there is certainly more about this movie that needs attention. There’s one badass babe in it!

Much like her character in The Predator, Olivia Munn’s career in action movies is apparently indestructible. I say that mainly because she is fresh off the heels of her role in X-Men: Apocalypse that can only be described as a massive failure. But enough about that, let’s talk for a minute about Casey Brackett.

Dr. Casey Brackett is a biologist who has gained the attention of the government because of a paper she had written. I suppose it included some stuff about evolutionary biology because that’s what was mentioned but for some reason she’s brought in as an expert on this new alien lifeform discovered in The Predator. Brackett doesn’t drop much info on us over the course of the film by way of science-talk but what she lacks in actual knowledge, she makes up for in UNBELIEVABLE COMBAT SKILLS THAT MUST BE UNMATCHED BY ANY LIVING CREATURE ON THE PLANET! It’s impossible to watch this film and not at least note that Dr. Brackett has taken to fighting and killing faster than Keanu Reeves in The Matrix.

In fact, it’s a damn good thing that Dr. Brackett is there for the majority of the film. All her jumping onto moving buses, leaping from cliffs, beating the shit out of trained killers, and tossing hand grenades down men’s jocks really come in handy. Someone get this girl a lady tuxedo and we’ll have our new James Bond for 2019. Let’s be honest, how long do you really think it’ll be before we get a strong push for a lady Bond?