Bullet Points: 3 from Hell
The Devil’s Rejects has one of the greatest endings. I love it. I thought for sure it was the last I would see of the Firefly Family. They went out with a blaze of glory. However, nothing is impossible in the land of movie making and I am so excited to review Rob Zombie’s 3 from Hell. Is this the last we will see of Baby, Otis and The Captain? We shall see. For now, enjoy some BPA BULLET POINTS!

- Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number: My biggest concern leading up to 3 From Hell was how it was going to play out. It has been close to 15 years since The Devil’s Rejects and our actors are no spring chickens. The answer? Set the movie 10 years after. Have all the main characters in prison. You know they’re not going to stay in jail, right?
- The Captain: God Bless, Sid Haig. He is a talent on loan from God. He is the reason I adore The Devil’s Rejects. I love me some Captain Spaulding. He is the greatest clown to ever say: Tutti Frutti. I wish I could’ve had me some of his famous fried chicken. Here’s the thing: Sid’s health isn’t great. He wasn’t feeling well during this shoot. In fact, you are not going to see a lot of him. He is a Reject to the chicken bone, but if you blink, you might miss him. Fear not, we have another member of the Firefly clan to help save the day: The Midnight Wolfman.

- Winslow Foxworth Coltrane: How can this movie work without Sid? The only way is casting The Midnight Wolfman himself, Richard Brake’s Winslow. Richard is such a damn good actor. He is the reason I will watch Zombie’s 31. He is one smooth dude. He plays the half-brother of Otis and Baby. He is a member of the family, but this is his first appearance. He howls at the moon, wants to make movies with hot babes, wears a disco sucks picture in his mugshot yet all you see in the photo is disco, smokes lots of ganja and is a lover of silent films. He completes 3 From Hell. He is the glue that holds the film together.
- Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: Remember the almost unwatchable scene in The Devil’s Rejects set in a sleazy motel room? We have something similar which plays a big role in how the gang gets back together. This time, the scene isn’t as brutal, and we do have a clown in it, but the clown isn’t the Captain. You will never forget Clint Howard’s Mr. Baggy Britches and the jokes his momma taught him.

- South of the Border: Somehow, the gang ends up in Mexico. They also end up in another sleazy motel, and I’m pretty sure there’s some Day of the Dead celebration going on, because everyone has their faces painted. This is where the movie gets loco. This is where all the action takes place. This is where Otis and Winslow have fun with hookers and Baby gets to play Cowboys vs Indians. There’s also a very cool connection to the main baddie in Mexico and the bad guy gang dresses up like they’re masked Lucha Libre wrestlers. Don’t forget to look out for a three-legged doggie. Ha! A three-legged doggie in 3 From Hell!
- Final Verdict: 3 From Hell is the road trip movie of 2019. It might also be Rob Zombie’s most tame film. Sure, there’s a lot of violence, but I’ve seen a lot more in his other films. This movie is simply a fun time from start to finish. Sheri Moon Zombie plays Baby like only she knows how. Bill Moseley’s Otis wears a Jesus Loves You shirt and scene stealing Richard Brake is my MVP. I can almost guarantee if you’re a fan of Zombie, this is a movie for you. 4 out of 5 stars. Enjoy with confidence.
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- Stoker Baby: One of my favorite films is John Carpenter’s Assault on Precinct 13. Ethan Bishop himself, Austin Stoker has a cameo as a newscaster.
- Zombie’s Signature: One of Rob’s director traits is the inclusion of silent movies into his pictures. In this case, we have a film from one of the most famous silent actors of all time, Lon Chaney, playing on a motel television.
- Dee Wallace: Another one of Rob’s signature moves is to cast old school actors and actresses. This time, we have Dee Wallace as the veteran prison guard, Greta.
- Macho Knife Throwing Contest: Can you imagine the testosterone at a Mexican Knife Throwing Contest? Well, if you want to watch Baby show these boys how it is done, then 3 From Hell is the movie for you.
This wasn’t on my radar, but maybe it’s worth checking out to see crazy Richard Brake again. 31 made me a fan. Might be a good one to watch for Halloween.
Hell yeah, Brother! I think this one is a perfect movie for Halloween viewing!!
Ha! No idea why my comment to you was anonymous. Blame the Firefly Family
No problem. I knew it was you anyway.
Comment sections can be a little messy sometimes when it comes to technical issues.