Bullet Points: Jarhead: Law of Return

Chad Cruise

FF, 11B, Pro Wrestler, Children's Book Author?? Co-founder of Bulletproof Action and Co-host of The Bulletproof Podcast. Follow Chad on Twitter @ChadCruise

4 Responses

  1. Viewer says:

    Confused: An American Marine General (4 Star) with Sergeant stripes on his sleeve. SO what rank was he??

  2. Bart says:

    Many senseless deaths, no drone coverage at first part of the sooo high priority mission (close to the entrance gate), no designated marksman in the team. Tier 1 guys at night, with plain Eotechs mounted. CQB with NV switched on and flashlights constantly switched on? No designated marksman in the team. Noooo. Not even plain flash hiders/suppressors on M4 and subsonic ammo? This is a joke. No thermal vison? Another pun. SAA guy shooting through at least IIIA armor plate with AKSU? Not happening. Attack on convoy having 12,7 mm mounted machine gun and using M4’s instead? Silly. Some shit just would not have happen and such guys as depicted are not a cannon fodder. Only the story about US-Israel alliance is good built and well balanced, with promising actorship.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Four star with NCO stripes?! Some things a person cannot unwatch…..who was the military advisor for this movie?

  4. Gordon says:

    If ever there was a movie that demanded a military consultant/advisors, this was the one. So many military inaccuracies in this crappy film. I guess Hollyweird thinks that so few Americans have served and or have knowledge of the facts of military uniforms, equipment, weaponry…that we are irrelevant and have no impact on the success or failure of their films.

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