Ryan Shoots First: Iron Sky: The Coming Race
Moon Nazis are back!! Only this time they also kind of come from the hollow earth. If you recall I went down a pretty deep hole a few years back when I reviewed the first film in the Iron Sky saga. The movie ended with a shocking twist of the lizard people Nazis and the Hollow Earth complete with Hitler riding a T-Rex. You know everything needed to generate capital to make the sequel. Well it took a while and apparently a splinter of the franchise with some other sequel set in the universe but made by different people but we are finally here.

Iron Sky: The Coming Race starts out somewhat drab. It’s been a few decades and despite the rabbit hole I went down into hollow earth theory and the films alternate timeline I had forgotten most of the original. The movie takes place decades after the first film and the leftover Moon Nazi remnants are living beside refugees from the war torn earth. Together they are struggling in the wake of the war. That is where we meet our hero “Obi” Washington (Lara Rossi). She is the daughter of the heroes from the first film. One day she discovers Vril Kortzfleisch (Udo Kier) the villain from the first film. He is still alive and shows Obi the healing energy that resides in the hollow earth. After showing her those sweet healing powers Obi decides to take a chance to save her people.

I will admit I had a hard time getting back into the IS universe, I couldn’t remember many details of the first and the movie clearly thought I did. But then we got the exposition dumb about aliens discovering the hollow earth and one of them being Hitler and I was back baby! All the ridiculous sci fi overacting and crazy premise are back with top notch visuals way outside this movies league. Seriously the hollow earth and Dino shots are really well done. As I’ve said many times my bar for acting quality in these movies is very low. All I ask is the actors commit, dive into their roles and have fun with this bonkers film and they do. It takes a bit to let it settle in but once the plot starts unraveling and the visuals start strutting their stuff I was bought into the overacting. Obi’s acting is discount Jada Pinkett Smith from the Matrix movies where she was sent home for the weekend with some DVDs and told “do this”. Tom Green comes out of hiding to play a weird quirky religions cult leader, yes that Tom Green.

Really how much time is 1 hour 30 minutes when it offers Moon Nazi Lizard people in the Hollow Earth with Dinosaurs. I’m a sucker for alt-history and crazy theories. Throw in top notch CGI from a studio 1/10th the size of the big dogs and you have a good time to enjoy a whisky and spectacle. The movie even makes a Trump quid-pro-quo joke…yes! Like years ahead of what’s going on! Maybe they know something we don’t. Not enough for you? How does lizard Steve Jobs sound to you?

Enjoy the film. Don’t think too hard about it or else you’ll end up with some crazy YouTube suggestions.