Ryan Shoots First: Snowpiercer (S1 Ep3) “Access Is Power”

1 Response

  1. Emily51 says:

    I disagree with your assessment that the show should pick a lane and stick to it. I think that just one lane would reduce this show to just another detective/cop show, when we already have so many. To me, all of the issues on the show are what make it so good! Whether it’s Andre investigating the murder or the kids becoming apprentices (glad they didn’t die!) or the class warfare of the different sections of the train, I don’t mind the jumping from one storyline to another.

    Yes, Nikki should not have just strolled into Fight Night. But if I can believe that tracks were laid in the snow all over the world and a train with 1001 cars has been travelling on them for 7 years, then I can suspend disbelief enough to not think twice when Nikki easily entered Fight Night.

    I don’t think the first class family (of which I think LJ is a part of) have anything to do with the murder or the drugs. I think they’re just another storyline, like Andre and Zarah’s romance or Miles getting his own fork. But I could be wrong.

    Anyway, I’m really enjoying this show, and I hope you start liking it, too because it must be a real bummer to recap a show you don’t like 🙂 !

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