Scene of the Week: Heavy Metal
If an animated film was released today with adults being the intended audience nobody would be surprised. Same goes for comic book movies, in fact most people would be surprised if a comic book movie wasn’t released. However, times were different in 1981 when Heavy Metal was released. A movie based off of the Heavy Metal magazine that features graphic violence and nudity seems like an odd piece of work. Heavy Metal is definitely a unique film but filled with some impressive animation for the time. Most people look fondly upon Heavy Metal for the heavy metal soundtrack which is definitely of its time. Heavy Metal is an anthology of stories from the magazine and some new stories from different animators, but somehow comes together for a crazy ride.

This week’s Scene of the Week features the final fight in Heavy Metal with the poster gracing Taarna. Taarna is a skimpily dressed bad ass mute warrior. She flies around on her giant bird and is in search of the mutants who destroyed a city. Luckily for us, Taarna finds the mutants and we see her battle against the top mutant and his crazy spinning blade arm. Taarna finally sticks it to Loc-Nar in one final piece of defiance. A truly epic ending for a unique movie.