Bullet Points: Seized
When Scott Adkins teams up with Isaac Florentine to make an action movie, you are damn right Bulletproof Action will get it covered as soon as possible.
Lucky for us, we got our hands on an early screener for Seized. You can lookout for Seized on DVD and Digital on October 13th.

- The Plot: Scott Adkins is Nero, a badass who will do anything it takes to save his kidnapped son. It is Taken in Mexico with Mario Van Peebles as the main baddie, Mzamo; an eccentric Mexican Cartel gang boss who wears a pimp black cowboy hat and who gives Nero a list of people to kill in order to get his son back.
- Mexican Restaurant Indigestion: Once the action starts in Seized, it doesn’t stop until the end credits roll. Scott’s first stop on his kill mission is to a local Mexican restaurant to wipe out one of Peebles’ Cartel rivals and some of his top goons. If you like the combo of Scott with a gun and Scott using his fighting skills, Seized is definitely a movie for you. Scott is on point with his gun handling skills, and he punches and kicks like the Adkins we’ve all grown to admire. Seized is a fun action film, and a lot of the fun comes from the familiarity of Adkins and Florentine.

- Strip Club Fun: The next stop on Scott’s quest is an authentic Tijuana strip joint. Oh yes! The clothes come off as the bullets fly. I can’t be for sure, but I think real strippers were used instead of actresses. Call it my: RTG Stripper Nudity Instinct Meter. There is also a moment when Scott kicks the living daylights out of a baddie’s throat. It is one of the most brutal kicks I have ever seen Scott Adkins perform. That is high praise!
- Mario the MVP: Mario Van Peebles still has it. He is 63 years young, and he gives it is all in Seized. He is a baddie you almost can’t help but like. He definitely has a swagger that is unmatched. His character works because Peebles is an established actor. If some random jobber would have matched up against Scott, I believe the movie just would not have been the same. Also, the film has a western vibe. Like a Mexican western filmed at the beach. Seized has a catchy musical score as well.
Seized is a damn good movie. The camera shakes just a bit, and kids in action movies can be annoying, but Seized does so much right. I can not help but to believe it will be one of Scott’s more critically praised films. Watch with confidence.

Bonus Bullet Points…
- Kill Count: A LOT
- Favorite Quote: “Play Call of Duty on these Mutha F*ckas.” – Mzamo to Nero
- MCGA: Mzamo has a slogan, “Make Cartels Great Again”. Who wants a MCGA hat?