Scene of the Week: Highlander – Training Montage
How would you react if you found out that you would never grow old and die? Would you cancel that gym membership and let yourself go? Take all that money out of your 401k since you’ll never retire anyway and blow it on Swiss Cake Rolls and cocaine? What about a cliffside frolic and maybe some forest sword fighting? That’s the ticket! Leave it to the always old and wise Sean Connery (RIP) to smarten up young Connor MacLeod and lead him onto a path in which he won’t get his head chopped off by Mr. Krabs from Spongebob. I still think Kurgan was so pissed at him because he really wanted to play Raiden in BOTH Mortal Kombat movies….

Connor should have already been a fair swordsmen but Ramirez shows up and instantly humbles him like the Iron Sheik. Ramirez is the most multi-racial person on Earth and could essentially go to any university for free, but instead chooses to teach Connor the ways of the immortal. If you’re unfamiliar, these guys can’t die unless their heads are removed from their bodies. Lucky for Connor, Sean is as good a teacher as he is a dresser.