Ryan Shoots First: The Mandalorian (S2 Ep3) “Chapter 11: The Heiress”
This week’s episode synopsis reads “The Mandalorian braves high seas and meets unexpected allies” couple that with the thumbnail featuring WWE’s Sasha Banks from the trailer and we are in for an exciting week of Mando action!

Interesting note this week is back down to a 36 minute run time so we went from 55 minute to 43 to 36. I suppose they are taking the freedom HBO method where however much time you need to tell the story, do it. Works for me. Also I may or may not have pre-ordered the Mando Black Series helmet on Amazon this week… Anyway we pick up right after last week’s episode with the Razor Crest drifting through space to the planet they were heading to so Frog Lady can reunite with her husband. The Crest has a rough landing in the water much to the chagrin of a Mon Calamari standing on the dock. Frog Lady is reunited with her husband and they can do… whatever it is they do to fertilize those eggs. Frog dude tells Mando to head to the inn to find others of his kind and we get our first look at Sasha Banks’ character looking on from a distance. Mando grabs a ride with a sailor who says he can take him to find other Mandolarians.
Inevitably on the boat Mando is betrayed as the sailors who shove Baby Yoda’s pod into the mouth of a sea beast they are feeding and they shove him in as well. As Mando struggles to stay above water, three Mandolarians fly in and save the day. One of them is 100% Bo Katan from The Clone Wars and Rebels as I recognize that voice and helmet anywhere. Sure enough she removes her helmet to reveal She is Bo played by “geek royalty”, actress Katie Sackhoff who also Voiced Bo in the previously mentioned animated series. Of course seeing Mandolarians remove their helmets comes as a shock to Mando but it helps fill in the gaps as many wondered why Mando followed that creed but as we had seen in previous “Filloni-verse” projects Mandolarians can remove their helmets. I was confident we would get an explanation and we have. One of the three Mandos is Sasha Banks… but is she Sabine??? Bo explains to Mando he is a child of “The Watch” which I believe she means Death Watch who broke off from Mandalore with Maul, again if you haven’t watched The Clone Wars at LEAST watch the final three episodes they are fantastic… or feel free to read my recaps cause I lost my mind. Mando isn’t crazy about this explanation and leaves the three on the barge.

It is not long however before they are reunited as the three swoop back in to save Mando from a gang lead by the brother of the sailor his new friends just killed. Mando asks for some info on the Jedi and Bo says he can lead him to a Jedi but he needs to help them first. Mando leaves Yodes with Frog Lady and tells him to not eat all her eggs please. He heads out to help hijack an Imperial freighter. The 4 easily clear out the troops but the pilots seal off the bridge. Bo is looking for the Dark Saber and needs it to lead Mandalore, she thinks she can track it down with the info on this ship. The captain calls Moff Gideon and explains the situation, the Moff tells him the ship is too far gone and he knows what to do. He shoots the two pilots and begins to scuttle the ship. Mando goes solo and clears out the troops blocking the bridge and they take the bridge. They prepare to jump to hyperspace and Mando asks Bo where he can find the Jedi. She tells him where to head to find… Ahsoka Tano! Here we go guys.
Really a great episode, we did briefly see some monster creatures but it was not the focus and was nice to see Mando interacting with human foils. Katee Sackhoff was great as Bo before but seeing her lend her skills to the live action portrayal of the character was awesome. Turns out after all the speculation Sasha Banks’ character really isn’t anyone important but that’s ok because we got some great reveals in this episode anyway to keep us going. Mando is on his way to find Ahsoka and I look forward to seeing what he finds when he gets there. She is on a planet steeped in Jedi tradition and a holy place for them so some cool revelations may be coming!

- Seeing all the various squid and fish species working in a fishing village was a clever sight.
- In the words of Michael Cole “It’s Boss time!”
- Mando is never short on cash.
- Baby Yoda has another Alien facehugger callback in 2 weeks.
- Seeing why Mando has a Don’t Trust Anyone mentality.
- BO KATAN!!!!!
- Bo is still a Bad-Ass after all these years.
- This show makes Star Wars just so cool.
- Ahsoka is coming gang question is who is with her (Sabine and did they find Ezra?).