Ryan Shoots First: The Mandalorian (S2 Ep4) “Chapter 12: The Siege”
Welcome back ladies and gents! So after last week’s reveals the internet was all up in a tizzy over the debut of Ashoka to the live action Star Wars universe this week. I however have kept my composure as this show manages to throw in some side quests along the way and the notion that we would get huge reveals two weeks in a row this early in the season seems unlikely. Still maybe I’m just trying to not set myself up for disappointment and I would love to be wrong, so let’s get started!

Once again we start this week with the Razor Crest in rough shape and Baby Yoda is trying his best to help put her back together. It doesn’t go well and Mando decides… they need to make a detour. Told you guys no Ashoka this week. You think Filoni is just gonna give us that a week after we got Bo? Meanwhile we see Cara who knows is also called a Marshall clearing out some bad dudes from a hideout. Mando shows back up on Navarro and is greeted by Cara and Greef and they get to work trying to fix his ship. The town is thriving now that the town is cleaned up. We meet an old friend Mytrol who was played by Horitio Sans is now working off his debt to Greef. Essentially there is a small imperial force still holding a small base on the planet and they want Mando to help them clear it out. The hunt is on. Mando helps clear out the bridge as the team enters the base. After blasting their way to the Core they shut down the cooling valves which will blow up the base. On their way out they discover some Imps purging some files from a database. In the room they discover giant tanks with what appears to be clone prototypes. They find a recording of the scientist from Season 1 expressing how he was not able to get enough of the child’s blood to continue experimenting with the hosts. They find out this message to Moff Gideon was left only 3 days ago confirming to them what we already know, that Gideon is alive. Mando jets back to make sure Yodes is safe and the other three make a daring escape in the troop transport complete with speeder bikes and ties!

Just when it looks dire the Razor Crest returns to finish off the ties and save the day. Mando tells Cara and Greef he has to get going and sets off with a slightly car sick baby Yoda. We fast forward and our two favorite X-Wing pilots are checking on the disturbance as they believe the Razor Crest was there. Greef won’t give up the details so the pilot pleads his case for Cara as a former Rebel shock trooper. She keeps her silence but we do learn she was from Alderaan and her response to if she lost any one is that “she lost everyone”. As a kinda after credits scene we see Moffs cruiser and an Imperial officer communicating with the team that fixed Mandos’ ship, they have placed a tracker on the ship. They inform Moff the tracker is in place. It really looks like a Vader helmet of some sort in the lab Moff is standing in as the credits roll.
A lot to take away from this episode that was anything but a filler side story episode. The big revelations is the cloning that is going on under Gideon’s watch. I would assume it is related to Palpatine in Rise of Skywalker and who Snoke is but at the end of the episode it really looked like a bunch of Vader helmets in that lab. I’ll have to dissect and watch all the Youtubers breaking it down to see more. This is just at first watch. Still it seems The child because of his species has a high midichlorian count in his blood which helps in the cloning of Force sensitive beings wether it be Palpatine or Vader. So much going on! And we have to assume the Empire is gonna follow Mando all the way to Ahsoka which will be some of the best images to ever be placed into the confines of a TV screen… I can’t wait!

- Baby Yoda Auto Repair is still a ways away
- Props to the show for still not over saturating the Baby Yoda cuteness, plays it perfectly opposite Mando’s bad-assness.
- Cara Dune is back… just stay away from her Twitter feed…You’ll thank me.
- Space Meerkat?
- I’m just imagining Yodes passing notes in class.
- Space Macaroons?
- I think it’s awesome for Horatio Sans he gets to be in Star Wars
- Ah the old “reverse the polarity” technique.
- Mythrol is very concerned with OSHA standards
- Ok the clones in those tanks totally looked like Snoke right?
- M-Count… I see what you did there.
- Hearing that classic speeder sound *chefs kiss
- My God this show looks good.
- Can I just say at least three stormtroopers managed to hit Mando… if not for his armor. Maybe not bad shots after all.
- Yodes putting his hands up after that daring chase… again pitch perfect.
- Ok then he got car sick.