Ryan Shoots First: The Mandalorian (S2 Ep6) “Chapter 14: The Tragedy”
After the barn burner of an episode last week that had everyone talking and was a top trending topic for days on Twitter. How they follow up all that good pub will be interesting to see so let’s get started!

Mando does some basic training on their way to Tython but it’s clear Mando is not loving the idea of leaving Grogu but he simply cannot train him himself. They arrive at the Temple Ahsoka guided them to and Mando sits Grogu on the rock. Just then Slave freaking 1 flies over head! What!!! Mando advises they need to leave but grogu activates the Temple. Mando goes ahead to try and buy him some time but takes blaster fire. And we hear Boba’s voice he tells him he wants his armor back. Mando asks him if he is Mandolarian and Boba tells him he is just a simple man and that the armor was his fathers. Mando has the help of Fennec who Mando left abandoned in season 1 and she is trained on Grogu. Boba tells him the armor was given to Jango by Mandolarians. This confirms the theory Jango and Boba were never real Mandolarians. Just then another ship lands on the planet with Stormtroopers. Mando tries to get Grogu but is thrown back by the “force field” for lack of a better term.

During the fight Boba notices the Razor Crest is open as another drop ship lands over head. Mando tries again to get Grogu but just can’t get through, he decides to join the fight. Mando and Fennec are pinned down but just then Old Man Boba shows up in his armor to save the day. There is little time to celebrate as Moff fires a shot from his Cruiser in orbit and completely destroys the Razor Crest. Moff Gideon unleashes the Dark Troopers and they swoop in to take Grogu before Mando can get to him. Boba follows the Dark Troopers but disengages once he sees the Imperial Transport. Sorting through the ruble of the Razor Crest all that is left is the Beskar spear Mando got last week. Boba tells Mando until the child is safe they are in his service. Mando goes to speak to Cara. He wants to spring a prisoner who can help him locate Gideon but she is now an officer of the New Republic and can’t just be springing former Imperials. On his ship Moff is trying to see Grogu and he is force throwing Troopers left and right. Moff shows Grogu the Darksaber and they stun Grogu and put him in cuffs to end the episode.
This show man… this week’s episode directed by Robert Rodriguiz once again knocks it out of the park. Boba returning and getting his armor will be the big talking point for the next week but seeing the Darktroopers and Grogu awaken some of his powers will all be big as we head to the Season Finale. Maybe it is too obvious and corny to assume Mando assembles his Outer Rim Avengers to assault the Empire but I have to imagine it will take more than just Him, Boba and Fennec. Could we see Boba, Mando, Bo, Ahsoka and everyone all on screen together? And now we start the loooong week of waiting while YouTuber after YouTuber explains to us what everything we just saw in that episode meant. We only have a few episodes left and I imagine we are done with side quests so pour one out for the Razor Crest we all just got in Fortnite and study up cause we will be right back here next week.

- Mando being a proud papa is so wholesome
- SLAVE 1!
- I can’t believe this
- It’s something I have waited my whole life for to see Boba go complete Bad-ass like that.
- That rock shot reminded me of MXC on Spike TV back in the day
- I can’t take this show… Boba back in his armor for the first time in 27 years
- Seriously Ahsoka and Boba in back to back weeks.
- Again, Boba being a chump is somewhat of a joke for years but now he is redeemed!!!
- Dang, there are some people who spent $400 on the HasLab Razor Crest that will be pissed.
- And official Dark Troopers!!!
- My son just came down and saw Slave 1 and said “That’s Boba Fett’s” I have never been more proud.
- We confirm Jango was indeed a foundling so there is some connection to Mandolarian culture even if he did abandon it later on.
- Also, it’s been somewhat explored in Clone Wars and some books but it’s cool to see Boba isn’t just a bad guy but a typical mercenary who has a code and probably hated working for the Empire as well.
- Always nice to see the Darksaber again… question is will Mando wield it or will Grogu become the owner restoring a force wielding Mando to the head of the clan.
- Razor Crest really had it bad this season but the show gave us Slave 1 to make us ok with it.