Bullet Points: Hunter Hunter
We have a lot of movies hitting theaters, digital and VOD this week. Sometimes a film might get lost in the shuffle. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an advanced copy of Shawn Linden’s Hunter Hunter. Let’s see if this IFC Midnight release brings the thrills and chills.

- The Plot: I don’t want to say too much, but I’ll call Hunter Hunter a louder Quiet Place. A survivalist family living in the woods are terrorized by something sinister. The family thinks it is a wolf. This wolf has caused the family trouble in the past. The father, played by Devon Sawa goes out to hunt the wolf. He leaves his wife (Camille Sullivan) and his daughter (Summer Howell) at home, because he thinks he will home be before nightfall. Of course, he doesn’t return, and that’s only the beginning of the family’s nightmare. Hunter Hunter also stars Nick Stahl. Shawn Linden does double-duty as the writer and director.

- The Cabin in the Woods: The family featured in the film live a hard life. They live off the land, They grow and hunt their own food. There’s no internet or cable television. They use radios for communication. Devon Sawa teaches his daughter how to hunt and other survivalist skills. She doesn’t go to school. She doesn’t even know what a driver’s license is. This family definitely live in their own world. They are a very close family. They care deeply for each other. If something happened to one of them, there’s no telling what consequences we would see. You as the audience instantly hope nothing terrible happens. However, you can feel the dread in the air. You brace yourself for what’s going to occur. Get ready to be on the edge as you watch Hunter Hunter.

- The Big Bad Wolf: Man vs. Beast. What a battle! There’s a wolf, and he’s a badass for sure. The question you ask yourself is: Who or what is really the monster in the woods? Wolves scare me. I have no idea what I would do if I ran into a wolf. The tension during one particular wolf chase scene will probably cause your blood pressure to rise sky high. Hunter Hunter is a movie about a hunt. The question is: Who is really doing the hunting?
- Wrapping it Up: Hunter Hunter is one of the most intense and haunting films of the year. I can’t stop thinking about the last few minutes of the movie. I believe these minutes will live in my dreams for a very long time. Hunter Hunter isn’t an easy watch, but it is one of the best made movies I’ve reviewed all year.

Bonus Bullet Points…
- Wolf Shit: If you want to become an expert in wolf shit, then Hunter Hunter might be the movie for you.
- Oscar Material: If I was in charge of the Academy Awards, there’s no doubt in my mind Camille Sullivan would be nominated for Best Actress. She’s that good!