Ryan Shoots First: Loki (S1 Ep3) “Lamentis”
After the twists and turns of last week’s Loki not only did Loki escape TVA custody but with Lady Loki who was revealed. We also will see the fallout of the assault on time itself with the reset charges sent all over.

This week starts with a new take on the classic Marvel Studios opening where we see Lady Loki and the TVA agent she kidnapped discussing things over Margaritas but they seem to be having a good time. It turns out to be an elaborate investigation tactic to find out how many people are guarding the time keepers. We see Lady Loki showing up in the TVA after fleeing the department store. Loki himself is not too far behind her. He manages to get his knives back as he is on LL’s train. Loki reaches her at the elevators that lead to the Time Keepers. She gets the jump on Loki as Ravonna arrives but Loki is able to time gate them out. They show up in a different time and LL manages to get the device but the battery is empty. It turns out she does not like being called a Loki. It turns out they are on a planet called Lamentis-1 in 2077 and the planet is close to destruction. The two are forced to work together for survival. She tells Loki she calls her name Silvy now. The two have about 12 hours to find a power source to recharge the device before the moon is destroyed.
After encountering a territorial local they discover there is a Ark getting people off the planet, the vessel would have enough juice to charge the device. While waiting on the train the compare a few differences in their timelines, Silvy was told she was adopted but does not remember her mother who Loki remembers fondly. After Loki gets a little loose on the train he is thrown off the train and Silvy follows. Unfortunately the device is destroyed but Loki has the plan to hijack the Ark which is not meant to evacuate successfully and get it out in time causing the TVA to investigate. While talking the two discover that the TVA agents are told they were created by the Time Keepers but in reality they had normal lives but are Variants recruited from their timelines. Before they can reach the Ark chaos ensues as the planet breaks apart raining down fire and the locals begin rioting after being locked out. Before they can reach the Ark it is destroyed by the planet ruining their plans. Silvy walks off in the background as the episode ends.
Some good back and forth between Silvy and Loki but we didn’t find out too much about her or what really her goal is beyond “Burn it all down”. It is hard to tell if the two really do trust each other or not but I suppose that is part of who Loki is. I enjoyed the aesthetic of the planet Lamentis-1 and again the tracking shot at the end was very well done even if they did cheat in a few spots.
- I mean we’ve all been there amirite… stuck in an alternate time stream with our gate device out of battery. Also the sad face miss minutes is making… find a way to have that be on my phone when it’s almost dead now Apple.
- This is the most Doctor Who-ish the show has felt.
- Whether Silvy and Loki or Mobius and Loki, the reluctant one-upping of each other on the show is really good. No one trusts anyone and they all know it. Life advice courtesy of the great thinker Stone Cold Steve Austin… DTA
- The guards are really giving off some Cobra Commander energy.
- HA why is Loki’s voice all goofy like that when posing as the guard… like he’s never done it before.
- Did Loki say he can never go backwards on a train?? Some TikToker gonna have to explain that one.
- Huge moment Marvel embracing Loki’s gender fluidity and sexual preferences. It’s established in the comics but to flat out say it in the show is pretty noteworthy.
- Be prepared to hear the line “I’m not drunk I’m just full” a lot this weekend.
- I am a sucker for seamless tracking shots and whether fake or not this was a cool one with all the asteroids crashing around.
- On to plan D?