Ryan Shoots First: Loki (S1 Ep6) “For All Time. Always.”
I better see Mobius on a jet ski or I riot… in my office… hurting only myself… let’s get to the finale!

Interesting opening with the MCU studios logo having various audio clips from throughout the movies. As the camera pans through various galaxies, wormholes and psychedelic effects. We eventually pan out to show an energy ring forming around the castle and Loki and Silvie standing outside. Silvie is a little hesitant to kick the door in before she can summon the courage the door opens to reveal a grand hall. Miss Minutes shows up and tells them they are at the Citadel at the end of time and He Who Remains is impressed. He has offered Loki and Silvie a deal and will reinsert them back into the timeline that won’t disrupt anything and the TVA can go back to doing it’s thing. She offers Loki the opportunity to beat the Avengers, kill Thanos and have the Infinity Gauntlet and Silvie a happy lifetime and they can be together. They turn it down cause they forge their own destinies and Miss Minutes says good luck with that before fleeing away. Back at the TVA Miss Minutes gets the files Ravonna asked for but they are not what she wanted and Miss Minutes says “He thinks this will be more interesting”. As Loki and Silvie head into the main room a door opens to reveal…Kang or at least the actor they casted months ago to play him (Jonathan Majors from Lovecraft Country). He invites them to have a talk. They follow him to his office and have a seat. Back at the TVA Mobius shows up in Ravonnas office and he claims they know Ravonnas secret that she was a school principal as B-15 has led TVA Agents there and Ravonnas variant that is a principal walks into the room.
Back in Kang’s office he claims Loki is a flea on the back of a dragon along for a heck of a ride. He pulls out some papers that are a script of their conversation. He claims he has paved every road to bring them here and has seen everything. Ravonna and Mobius argue about free will and Ravonna manages to take down Mobius but doesn’t prune him; she leaves through a portal. Back with He Who Remains he claims everything burns if he doesn’t manipulate the timeline, they ask his name and he tells them he has been called many things but in a separate timeline he was a scientist in the future who discovered universes stacked on eachother, various hims made peace as they all made the same discovery in different timelines. Inevitably some versions of him became violent as they sought to conquer other realities. Eventually the sole one found Alioth and ended the war becoming the sole version and maintained one timeline to keep another war from happening. He tells them if they think he is evil wait till they meet his variants. He gives them 2 options: kill him and chaos returns or Loki and Silvie run the TVA. As he is talking he is struck by the fact they just crossed the threshold and even he doesn’t know what happens from here. Outside branches start forming in the time stream. Silvie goes to kill him but Loki tries to stop her to talk about it. They argue about what to do and Silvie doesn’t trust Loki’s motives. The two fight with Silvie about to land the killing blow but Loki stops her, he tells her he has been where she is and he doesn’t want to hurt her, he doesn’t want a throne he just wants her to be ok. The two finally share a kiss and Silvie tells him she is not him and sends him back through a portal leaving her alone with Kang. She kills him and he tells her he will see her soon. As he dies outside the window the timeline begins branching in all directions. B-15 and Mobius watch from the TVA as the branches begin going nuts, Loki is sitting emotional from yet another loss when he has a realization. He finds Mobius and B-15 and tells them everything. Mobius doesn’t even recognize Loki and Loki looks over to see a statue of Kang, he is not in the same timeline he previously was as the credits roll. In the Post Credit we get confirmation via a stamp on a document that there will be a Season 2!! I imagine the proper Kang the Conqueror will be one of the various variants that has just been unleashed in the multiverse. Either way the multiverse is here and we know Doctor Strange 2 and Spider-Man No Way Home will play with this idea. Exciting times in the MCU.
- I’m gonna miss this music in my life
- I know I said something similar last week but spare a thought for the guy pouring over all that audio…
- I knew she was behind this!!
- Well props to the guys who called He Who Remains being in the house.
- So he formed the council of Ricks… He even has a Citadel. Does that Miss Minutes a Morty?
- I know its obvious but this shows how much Loki has grown, he just turned down everything he has ever wanted.
- Never trust anyone that eats an apple in a tense situation… this has been free life advice.
- I love the psychology that they are all villains but none of them want the destruction of everything or even general people to suffer.
- “Because you can’t trust and I can’t be trusted” Damn Disney between that and the Grief line from WandaVision.
- Finally we have our Multiverse… now can we have our Spider-Man trailer?
- Awesome confirming a season 2 at this point I kinda assumed all the Marvel shows were one offs.