Bullet Points: The Emperor’s Sword
The Hi-YAH! channel is one of our favorites at Bulletproof Action. It has hundreds of hours of programming starring Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen and countless other martial arts superstars. It is a steal of a deal too. (Hi-YAH! is only $2.99 a month). If you’re an action fanatic such as myself, I strongly recommend that you look into setting up a subscription. (For more information, please visit https://www.hiyahtv.com)

This brings us to the latest Hi-YAH! original film, The Emperor’s Sword, a Chinese martial arts movie set in Ancient China. The Emperor’s Sword is slated to be released on Hi-YAH! on July 16th. Now it is time to see if you should make The Emperor’s Sword a part of your weekend plans…
- The Plot: It is all about a sword. This sword belonged to an emperor, but now that emperor is dead. A battle for power soon emerges, and the person holding all the pieces of the sword at the end, will have all the power.

- The Action: The action does have a real old-school vibe to it. If you are a fan of Wuxia or Wire-Fu films, I think you will like what you see in The Emperor’s Sword. Of course there is a heap of swordplay, there better be if you you are going to call your film The Emperor’s Sword. Personally, I am a fan of films with heavy bow and arrow usage. The Emperor’s Sword fits this category as well. Most of the film is one big chase, with ladies and gentlemen searching and fighting for the most powerful sword in all the land.

- The Final Verdict: The Emperor’s Sword is not perfect, but there is a lot to like. With an interesting story and fighting that is well choreographed, The Emperor’s Sword is action excellence. What I really like is this is not a well known film. It does not have the instantly recognizable action stars of some of the bigger budget international films you might have seen. The Emperor’s Sword is more like a hidden gem, hiding in plain sight on Hi-YAH!
- Grade: B