Bullet Points: The Breed (2001)
Vampires have received more love in the movies than probably all the other classic monster characters combined.
And it seems like just when I think all the ideas for a vampire themed movie have been exhausted, I will stumble upon a movie like 2001’s The Breed and am proven wrong…

- Upside Down: Detective Steve Grant (Bokeem Woodbine, The Big Hit) and his partner Phil are looking for a missing female. The two detectives spot an abandoned van that matched the description of the van used in the woman’s abduction. After a bum points them in the right direction, the two detectives find the missing female in a nearby building strung up from the ceiling with the blood draining from her body. They then encounter the perpetrator of the crime and it becomes apparent that they are not dealing with a normal human being. Phil ends up dead, Steve manages to fight off the killer, but when he tries to subdue him, the killer goes out the window and scales the outside of the building!
- Odd Couple: Detective Steve Grant is summoned to National Security Agency headquarters where he meets with Director Calmet and Deputy Director Seward. This meeting sheds some light on Phil’s killer… the killer was not a man, but one of 4,000 documented genetically mutated vampires in the world. These vampires made the decision to stop hiding who they were and come out to the world in hopes of coexisting with humans. But peaceful coexistence is going to be a tough sell with a rogue vampire running around killing college aged females. Steve is paired with Detective Aaron Gray (Adrian Paul, Dead Men Can’t Dance) and tasked with finding the rogue vampire before he kills anymore… I should probably mention, Aaron Gray is also a genetically mutated vampire. Awkward… especially since moments earlier Steve made it known he wanted to kill all vampires.

- A Whole New World: It probably goes without saying that Steve is not overly thrilled with his new partner. But the two are going to have to trust one another and work together if they have any chance of catching the killer. Plus, Steve is going to need a guide in this world he never knew existed prior to the last 24 hours. Steve is introduced to a who’s who of the genetically mutated vampire world, but none of the vampires he meets quite grab his attention the way Lucy Westenra ( Bai Ling, The Crow) did… in fact, the two would eventually do their part to strengthen human/vampire relations… if you know what I mean! Also if you told me that Bai Ling was an actual genetically mutated vampire, I would totally believe you.
- But Wait, There’s More: There’s more to The Breed than two cops from different walks of life hunting down a killer… There’s plotting and scheming from individuals on both sides of the fence looking to sabotage the peace between humans and vampires… There’s also some Nazi flashbacks, which would explain Adrian Paul’s mustache in the movie.

The Breed really excelled in creating a unique world for the story to take place in and the movie was visually eclectic from beginning to end. The word eclectic could also describe the cast that was assembled for the movie.
The Breed got in its own way by trying to do too much which weighed down the plot at times, but to me the good still edged out the bad when all was said and done.
Some might say including some Bonus Bullet Points is another example of trying to do too much, but I think you know where I stand on that issue…

- Familiar Faces: James Booth of Avenging Force and Pray for Death fame, played Dr. Fleming. Booth was great here as a borderline mad scientist, who claims to have developed a virus that could wipe out all vampires as a contingency plan for the human race… William Hootkins of Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark fame, played Fusco, one of the more eccentric vampires that Steve and Aaron encounter during their investigation. Fusco fancies himself a thespian at the level of Sir Laurence Olivier and I tip my hat to William Hootkins’ performance in this one.
- AKA: The Breed was released as Vampire World in France, Dark Species in Germany and Bloody Vampire in Japan.
- Favorite Quote: “You’re not James Bond. I’m not Blofeld. No more explanations.” – Dr. Fleming
- The Name Game: Not to be confused with 2006’s The Breed starring Michelle Rodriguez.