Bullet Points: Escape from Death Block 13
How could you deny that face? When I see that Robert Bronzi has a new film out and he’s firing some sort of grenade launcher on the poster than I am instantly intrigued. The fact that he looks so similar to the legend Charles Bronson is an absolute plus but I am growing more and more fond of the type of films that Bronzi has been making. Are they ever going to win an award? Probably not, but they are full of full scenes and characters that you’ll love to see whacked.

Synopsis: After the death of his brother, Mick travels to America to seek Justice. Wrongly convicted of extortion and attempted murder, Mick is sent to Pleasant Hill Penitentiary’s notorious death block 13. Seething with revenge after discovering the truth behind his brother’s death, Mick’s rage ignites an explosive riot as he makes a daring escape from death block 13.
- Hammer Time: If you’ve ever wanted to watch Robert Bronzi go shopping for a hammer, then this is the movie for you. It opens with his buying a brand new ballpeen hammer and then going to meet the former boss of his now dead brother. There are lots of hints that he’ll eventually use that hammer but he never gets the opportunity this early in the film.
- Turturro Family: Speaking of the former boss of his brother, it’s clear that he’s up to no good. Played by Nicholas Turturro, bossman Renda is smuggling drugs through his business and it seems that he offed Bronzi’s brother to keep him from getting involved. It’s good to see Turturro in a movie, to be honest. I haven’t seen him in some time and he is a welcome addition to the cast as he brings a professionalism that is absent in most of the film.

- A Warm Welcome: Bronzi’s Mick winds up getting arrested and going to “the big house”. Before he goes, he’s offered a role from the feds to be an informant in the prison. This seems kind of silly that it would happen but it does and there is no time to question it because the very next scene is Mick going to the clink. In fact, you may recognize this prison as the one from The Shawshank Redemption filmed only about an hour from my own home. How bout that?
- This Ain’t Shawshank: It may look like Shawshank but this movie is not quite on that level. Mick starts making some friends and enemies in prison and quickly learns who he has to watch out for. That includes the warden played by Debbie Scaletta. She is up to no good and running the prison like she’s an absolute dictator.

- Take the Power Back: Enough atrocities happen at the prison for the inmates to rally around Mick and attempt to take back the power. They riot and turn the final third of the film into one big action sequence. You can’t complain about that.
- Chaos: Nothing says low budget action like digital bullet wounds, Wilhelm screams, and weightless weaponry. There is something so innocent and pure about movies like this with their attempt at a massive action sequence. I spent a majority of the time laughing at some of the scenes but I was also very appreciative for the lengths at which they go to kill some fools.
The Verdict: There are things about Escape from Death Block 13 that are frustrating to watch; the audio is extremely distracting, the actors aren’t that good, and the story could certainly use some work. What it does well, though, is to keep what story it does have moving at a brisk pace so it doesn’t seem like the movie is overly long. Bronzi is always fun to watch simply because he looks so much like our boy Bronson. The fight scenes aren’t anything to write home about but the final act of the film is essentially one long action sequence and you have to love that. I’ve seen no less than four Bronzi films and this is definitely not his worst. Is it his best? Probably not. But anyone who has followed his career to this point will want to check this one out.
Escape from Death Block 13 will be available On Demand November 2nd and on DVD November 23rd from Uncork’d Entertainment.