20 Reasons Why You Rock: Rocky IV

Chris The Brain

Life long movie fanatic. Former pro wrestling announcer. Co-founder of Bulletproof Action. Follow The Brain on Twitter @ChrisTheBrain74

2 Responses

  1. Robert Baum says:

    Not sure if this would merit mention among the 20 reasons but Tony Burton played chess with Stanley Kubrick during the making of The Shining, where in addition to him, Kubrick also had Steadicam creator Garrett Brown going back and forth between EMI Elstree in the UK working on Kubrick’s film simultaneously with work on Stallone’s Rocky II.

  2. Robert says:

    Actually the film ends with John Cafferty’s performing “Hearts on Fire,” and the Vince DiCola composition heard when he goes on that run which climaxes with the Italian Stallion’s climbing the mountain which is parallel edited with Drago’s running on the treadmill with an increasing incline and speed.

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