Ryan Shoots First: The Book of Boba Fett (S1 Ep1) “Stranger in a Strange Land”
8-year-old me would have never thought this day would come. A series about the man, the bounty hunter of bounty hunters, the man in the dented helmet… The Book of Boba Fett has made its way to Disney+ and I cannot be more excited.

Of course for a character who was thought dead for 40 years prior to his return obviously there are a lot of questions of where he has been in the time between the Sarlacc Pit and showing up in The Mandalorian Season 2. The show happily does address some of the big points and while it seems some more of the details will be fleshed out as the season goes on it was satisfying to see how he ended up where he is. Despite the character existing for almost 20 years prior to his turn as Jango Fett, Temuera Morrison owns playing Boba Fett. What started as some voice over in the Blu-rays to make the voice match with his clone father, he also carries himself with the quiet confidence that Jeremy Bullock did when he first donned the suit.
The show seems to be taking The Mandalorian format of many seemingly independent episodes stringed together with a few overarching themes that may crossover in a few episodes. This is how Dave Filoni likes to tell stories and he is the puppet master behind the non-cinematic Star Wars verse. I like the format especially when the show releases once a week as opposed to the whole season at once. The episode features a few cool Easter eggs or callbacks, my favorite being the droid in Jabba’s Palace who was torturing that poor Gonk droid. He is here and you can tell he has a thing for torture.
The actual plot of the episode was pretty easy going but with the flashbacks and the spectacle of Boba Fett being back in fine form, obviously waiting to introduce more heavy stuff later in the season. This week’s episode laid an important foundation and I still can’t believe we’re getting a Boba Fett TV show.
- Oh man I’m hyped.
- Bacta
- Was not expecting “previously in the life of boba Fett”
- Ohh how I’ve waited for that shot. Escape from the Sarlacc!
- They did a good job recreating the Return of the Jedi suit.
- Still can’t believe we got to see him escape the Sarlacc.
- That’s it. Jawas just jacked his stuff
- Love that there is so little talking to start. Boba has always been a man of few words on screen.
- A Tuskan teenager! Don’t let Anakin see him.
- Is that Reedo? get it? I’ll be here all week.
- Seeing the gaffe stick become a bad ass weapon is a cool development.
- Coolest suit up scene ever.
- Haha, I’m the crime lord he’s supposed to pay me, love it.
- The droid that tortured the gonk droid not getting how Boba isn’t into torture is terrific.
- Jazz cantina tune is nice
- Helmet servicing and cleaning is so smart in this universe.
- Oh damn, that dude ded
- Tatooine is like Australia; everything wants to kill you.
- I like to think he learned that move from Leia.