Bullet Points: Halloween Kills
Halloween Kills from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is all set to hit 4K UHD, BLU-RAY and DVD on January 11th.
Will evil die tonight?

- The First Time: I didn’t originally cover Halloween Kills for Bulletproof Action, you can read our original review here. I will say that our original review was mostly negative. For me, when I first watched on Peacock, I was disappointed, but I wasn’t ready to throw the film down the drain. I liked some parts of Halloween Kills, but it wasn’t like I was ready to rewatch anytime soon. Receiving a Blu-Ray from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment for review, made me almost excited to revisit. Will the second time be the charm?
- The Kills: The strength of Halloween Kills is the high as hell kill count. There’s a cool special feature on the Blu-ray that shows every kill. It takes a good minute to get through all the kills. Another interesting special feature shows how the kills got made. I was pleased to see a lot of practical effects used. They didn’t go the lame CG blood way for the kills. I love when effort is put forth in creating a horror movie. I can honestly say there was a lot of effort put into Halloween Kills.

- 1978: Yikes! This is a part of the film that a lot had problems with. I still think some of the 78 scenes are campy, but I learned they built an entire set to capture the 78 feel, and used different color contrasts to try and make it look like it was filmed in 78. It does look different than the rest is the movie. So, perhaps I like this aspect of the film more now.
- Evil Dies Tonight: Please do not take a shot every single time you hear the saying. You will probably have to get your stomach pumped. It does get old, but hell, what would you do if some evil fuck terrorized your town? I will say how much I loved Anthony Michael Hall as Tommy Doyle. The man brings the IN in Intense. Hall’s casting is perfect for this film.
- Where’s Laurie: Jamie Lee Curtis takes a backseat in Halloween Kills. She spends the majority of the film at the hospital. Hmm, this sounds just like Halloween II. I can understand why some don’t like Laurie in the background, but perhaps Laurie just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time in 78. Perhaps, Michael kills because that’s what he is: A PURE EVIL KILLER.

- Final Thoughts: Halloween Kills improved for me on a rewatch. There’s something about watching a slasher movie multiple times. You watch for the kills, and believe me, there’s a lot of gore and great kills. Halloween Kills comes with the “Extended Cut” version that includes an alternate ending. You get both versions on disc, but the digital copy will be the Extended Cut. I didn’t see a lot of difference in the Theatrical and the Extended cuts except for the ending. I believe the alternate ending is cool, but it isn’t right for the direction the franchise will take with Halloween Ends. I am now excited for the conclusion of the series. That’s a good thing.
- Grade: B