Bullet Points: Warhunt
Where are my Mickey Rourke fans at? Who likes it when Mickey Rourke wears a cool shirt and pets his puppy dog? Action fanatics get ready to hear all about Mickey Rourke’s latest action movie, Warhunt…

Look for Warhunt at Select Theaters, VOD and Digital on January 21st from Saban Films.
- WWII: Warhunt is set during World War II. A cargo plane crashes into the German Black Forest. A search and rescue mission is organized by Major Johnson (Mickey Rourke). An elite squad of US soldiers commanded by Sergeant Brewer (Robert Knepper) head into the forest searching for the lost plane. The squad is helped by Walsh (Jackson Rathbone), a personal friend of Major Walsh who knows exactly what to look for when they find the missing plane. What could possibly go wrong? Warhunt is directed and co-written by Mauro Borrelli.
- Something Different: Warhunt is a hybrid action film. It is part “men on a mission film”, mixed with “survive the night” action and crossed with horror elements. You would think it would be about killing NAZIS, but you would be DEAD wrong. Warhunt is what happens when you fuck with something even more sinister: Crazy ass witches.

- Witches: Trying to survive getting your throat sliced from witches is a difficult task. They are crafty and sneaky witches. The soldiers also experience a lot of paranoia, and of course, some of them will start to go mad. There’s an amble amount of squad members, so there’s a lot of opportunities for a high kill count. My only complaint is you don’t get to know a lot about most of the soldiers. You only get to really know the main players: Rathbone, Rourke and Knepper.

- Mickey Rourke: Mickey Rourke does not get the chance to play with any puppy dogs in Warhunt. He is too busy trying to outsmart a ruthless pack of witches. He looks the part of a badass general. I swear he is wearing the same outfit as he is in the recently released The Commando with Michael Jai White. Rourke might’ve had 8654 too many plastic surgeries, but he isn’t a lazy actor. His role is vital Warhunt.

- Final Thoughts: Warhunt does a lot right for DTV. The action is chaotic at times, and the night scenes might be too dark, but Warhunt is an exciting action / horror hybrid that should please both fans of action and horror. Warhunt does a lot with its budget. We need more DTV releases like Warhunt.
- Grade: B