Scene of the Week: BMX Bandits
BMX Bandits is a 1983 Australian action comedy film that has become somewhat of a classic over the years. Not only does it feature an early role for Nicole Kidman, but has BMX kids stopping some robbers with a mix of early 80s Australia, BMX culture and lots of color. There is lots of fun to be had in BMX Bandits as it lays heavy in the comedy part of the action comedy but there was always one scene that made me very envious of the actors.

This week’s Scene of the Week takes a look at the culmination of a chase scene that ends up at the Manly Waterworks. With our heroes being on BMX bikes you better believe they hit the waterslides with their BMX gear and bikes. After I saw that scene I have always wanted to escape a chase via waterslide. Tell me you don’t want to go down a waterslide with your very own BMX bike!