Ryan Shoots First: Obi-Wan Kenobi (S1 Ep3)
After a big event premiere last week Obi-Wan Kenobi is back already for Episode 3. Now that Celebration is over and all the hype has cooled can the show still stand on it’s own? Hell yes, this episode was high on tension and delivered a epic confrontation.

After the events of last week much was made as of course the fans once again had to make everything about themselves. By the weekend fans had poked at the performance of young leia, poked at Obi-Wan being somewhat like a Luke in The Last Jedi but more than anything was the discourse around Reva. One ranting YouTube video calling the show a “bait and switch” with it being the Reva show despite her being on screen only 14 minutes across the 2 episodes compared to Obi-Wans 47 minutes. Yes and then of course the attacks came to the actress Moses Ingram online to the point Star Wars had to tweet support and Ewan McGregor made a video post supporting her. This fandom sometimes can be a disgrace. So in the event to not like these people hijack the show it was nice to have a great episode again this week.
Leia and Obi-Wan find themselves on the run following last weeks escape. They are on a container vessel that arrives on a Mining planet ran by the Empire. As the traverse the planet Leia sees how the Empire has exerted it’s control over the galaxy and how they are hunting Jedi and force sensitive children. Obi-Wan and Leia find a undercover person on planet that helps give Jedi new identities and escape in a type of underground railroad for wayward Jedi and force sensitives. I like seeing this as it gives Leia a motivation and a fire to eventually join the rebellion in her younger years. What she sees on Alderann is very different, shes her father trying his best to use what little diplomacy is left but the planet itself is largely left untouched by the Empires rule. Seeing sights like this will light the fire that eventually leads her to start helping Rebel cells in Rebels and of course where we see here in Rogue One and A New Hope.
In regards to Reva’s character there is some instirsting inteuigue there as she is ambitious and is willing to cross anyone to get in Vaders good graces. She clearly has some goals of her own that she is using the Inquisitorious to achieve and that is typical of dark side users. The Inquisitors are shows as group rife with infighting and disorganization and that is how they should be. That is how they were shown in Rebels and how they have been shown in the comics. They are a means to an end that the Emperor and Vader are using and will cast away the minute they are no longer needed. They are not Sith in training, because the rule of two. They are fallen Jedi being manipulated until they serve no further purpose. How Reva may try to escape that inevitability and rise above the group to achieve her goals will be interesting to see.
I don’t want to spoil the epic confrontation in this episode but it pushes Ben to the limit and the suspense built around the scene and the way it is executed is fantastic. Ewen McGregor was really doing some work in this episode and this was probably his best acting he has done since becoming Obi-Wan in 1999. It’s hard to believe we are only halfway through the season but it is shaping up nicely and I now have to wait a full week till the next episode.
- I love the idea that Qui-Gon is away from Obi-Wan
- Hayden looks so badass
- I love them playing it that Vader didn’t care at all for the inquisitors
- You’ve heard of gonk droid well this is a CHONK droid.
- Fortress Inquisitorious, It’s poetry it rhymes
- They’re gonna tease that Hello there all season aren’t they?
- Woah!! That laser split was sweet.
- This idea that Leia is seeing the real Empire beyond her life really helps show why she joined the rebellion.
- Props to you Quinlan Vos fans
- Man Vader isn’t messing around
- I legit said “Oh Shit” out loud.
- Man this music
- Vader going one hand is so awesome
- Round 1 goes to Vader
- Holy crap Vader is vengeful