20 Reasons Why You Rock: Top Gun: Maverick
Recently, right here on the Bulletproof Podcast, I enjoyed a look back on one of my favorite films growing up, Iron Eagle. While recapping that film, I made mention about how I tended to favor Iron Eagle over Top Gun through the years. That’s not a knock on Top Gun, which is essential viewing for anyone who considers themselves a movie buff, it’s just how I saw things through my eyes. And although we got plenty of sequels to Iron Eagle (some far better than others), I was never as excited for any of them as I was for Top Gun: Maverick. Knowing the effort that went into making this film, going through years of rumors, production stops and starts, rewrites, and the like, I was determined to see if the end result could hold up to the original blockbuster. That’s where my 7 year old son stepped in to make sure that I didn’t go see this movie the day it came out.

Why would he do that, you ask? Because my son, even at his young age, is already quite the movie buff. A regular chip off the old block. He’s already seen his share of Cannon Films (we both saw Revenge of the Ninja for the first time at age 4), which means that in the next 10-15 years he should also have a job on this site. But the reason he asked me to hold off on seeing the film was because he wanted to go see it, but he wanted to watch the original Top Gun with me before we went. So the plan was made to see Top Gun: Maverick on Father’s Day, once he had seen the first film. His reaction to the original was priceless (“This is the best movie ever! Definitely the best movie with planes in it!”), so my hopes for Maverick keeping his interest were high. This past weekend for Father’s Day, we finally got around to seeing a film that I have heard literally zero complaints about. Even from friends who can be annoyed by the tiniest perceived slight when it comes to movies, all I heard was that I needed to see this ASAP so it could be discussed. Well, not only have I been able to discuss it with them, but I’ve been able to contribute a 20 Reasons Why You Rock column that include the highlights of my Top Gun: Maverick experience.
A warning to those reading who haven’t seen the film yet. There aren’t any explicit spoilers here since this is a new movie, but if you are yet to see the movie, you may want to hold off on reading for now. Don’t worry, this column will still be here when you get back!

#1. The soundtrack is back! Top Gun: Maverick kicks things off the same way its predecessor did, with the “Top Gun Anthem” playing over the opening credits before kicking things up with the legendary, adrenaline-pumping “Danger Zone” track by Kenny Loggins.
#2. All-Star support. Tom Cruise’s return as the titular character is a given, but ol’ Maverick has brought some strong backup for a supporting cast. Val Kilmer is back as Iceman, and A-listers like Miles Teller, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, and Ed Harris are all welcome additions to the ranks.
#3. Three minutes into the film, Maverick decides to live up to his name by going against a superior officer who intends to shut down the “Darkstar” jet project. Just as said officer arrives on base, Mav is up in the air, pushing the jet to its limits to show that the brass would be wrong to cancel the project.
#4. The student becomes the teacher. Maverick’s actions get him in hot water with Admiral Cain (Ed Harris), and he winds up re-assigned to a different base as the new TOPGUN instructor.

#5. Not only is Mav made the new instructor (much to the dismay of Admiral Simpson), but we find out that his being appointed comes at the behest of Iceman, who has risen to the ranks of Commander of the US Pacific Fleet.
#6. Running into an ex-girlfriend, forced to buy a round for everyone in the bar, and being tossed on his ass by a bunch of fresh-faced pilots? Awkward.
#7. Those same young pilots just so happen to be your students in TOPGUN? Also awkward.
#8. The attention to detail as it pertains to the original is fantastic. Rooster’s wardrobe, the insertion of Penny into the story (her character was mentioned, but never seen in the 1986 film), and even the way the pilots discover that Maverick is their teacher are all callbacks that those who loved the first film will enjoy here.
#9. Maverick and Penny enjoy a little romantic tension, then before you know it they’re on a midday sailing date. Further proof that ladies love a rebel.

#10. Rooster’s mustache. That is all.
#11. Rooster and Hangman are rivals in the vein of Maverick and Iceman in the first film, but if someone started tossing around my dad’s death as an insult, I wouldn’t think twice about knocking them on their ice.
#12. Val Kilmer is a national treasure (and I base that solely off of my love for Real Genius, everything else is a bonus), and his return to the world of Top Gun had me tearing up.
#13. Missing man formation! That immediately made me think of the legend “Chappy” Sinclair and the closing moments of Iron Eagle.
#14. Dogfight football! They found a way to give us a volleyball scene redux of sorts without it feeling shoehorned into the story.
#15. The tension between Maverick and Rooster makes perfect sense, especially if you recall how shaken Maverick was after Goose died in Top Gun.

#16. Rooster’s not the only child of a friend that Maverick has to contend with. Penny’s daughter lays down the law (after Mav tries to be slick and sneak out Penny’s window) and warns him not to break her heart again.
#17. The mission does not go as planned, but much like Cypress Hill, our heroes ain’t goin’ out like that. The climax of the film is filled with plenty of thrills, tension, and even humor as Maverick, Rooster, and co. face down imminent danger.
#18. Since we love wrestling terminology here at Bulletproof Action, I’ll say that the climactic battle in the sky features one hell of a babyface save.
#19. The return to the carrier is reminiscent of the Top Gun finale, where Maverick and Iceman buried the hatchet and Maverick was seen as the hero he had strived to be.

#20. A happy ending that wraps things up and puts a bow on the the story that began 36 years ago. I didn’t even deduct a point for the Lady Gaga ending song!