Scene of the Week: Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla
Growing up in Cleveland in the 1980s, I spent many a Saturday afternoon watching Superhost on the big independent station in town, WUAB. Superhost, with his comical clown like take on Superman’s iconic look, was one of Cleveland’s local monster movie hosts. If Superhost wasn’t presenting something from the classic Universal Monsters vault, he was usually presenting some Kaiju action in the form of the old school Toho Studios Godzilla movies!

My absolute favorite of the original run of Godzilla films was 1974’s Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla… sure Godzilla has been able to take out other monsters, but how could Godzilla possibly stop what for all intents and purposes was a giant robot version of himself!?!? That little bit of doubt had me filled with anticipation when I watched for the first time.
This week’s Scene of the Week takes a look at the colossal clash of Godzilla (and King Caesar) vs. Mechagodzilla in all its practical effects glory…