Ryan Shoots First: The Mandalorian (S3 Ep4) “Chapter 20: The Foundling”
Well I suppose I should count myself lucky that it took three seasons but I finally saw an episode of The Mandalorian that just made me go… “meh”.

Chapter 20 had moments and I wouldn’t even say it was bad it just felt as the kids would say, mid. I think I have a few theories why. One main one is the whole story around the Watch. It really felt like over the last 2 seasons they were setting up that cults were bad. That part of Din’s story is him realizing that doesn’t define him, there are other viewpoints in the galaxy even among other Mandalorians. That he can define his own path. And for the shows benefit this still could be the angle but this week really felt like the opposite. Hell he’s even recruited Bo into the Cult and now is raising Grogu in it. It all just feels jarring that they were setting up the Armorer and Paz as zealots blinded by dogma.
The episode had some cool moments. One big reveal around Grogu, he had a cool sparring session and seeing Mama Katan on screen is always nice. I thought back to other episodes fans haven’t been crazy about and while sure yea maybe they aren’t my favorite I still remember enjoying them and defending their merit. I got nothing here for this one. They can’t all be home runs though take the high points and move on. The empire remnant, cloning, stuff is way more interesting, and I can see a path where this arc will pan out but just didn’t jive with this episode. The Bad Batch this week was much better in my opinion. Oh well, hopefully next week we don’t see the return of The Midaloroan.
- Sorry I got a kick out of this just a buch of Mandos doing random shit all around
- Grogu got that Ezra gift
- Mando HATES this kid
- Guys, we might need a new hidey hole
- Oh man, Sad Grogu bout broke me.
- HAHA they really did it! Best gets his moment!
- I mean that kid’s dead already right?
- Paz, you can put the gun down man.
- Well that went well
- I mean we’re going to get to the part where cults are bad right??
- Wait so they all were just like hanging out in the ship??
- Bo’s like no you’re not listening lady it was real!