Bullet Points: Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday
The boys from Delta Force that you enjoyed so much in Operation Delta Force are back for round two in 1997’s Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday. And don’t worry, all your favorite characters like Lang, McKinney, Hutch and Sparks are back… but there is a completely new cast. Except for Todd Jensen… but he is not playing Hutch like in ODF. Maybe it doesn’t matter that the boys from Delta Force are back and we can enjoy Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday on its own.

- Can I Help Ya – We get to see Delta Force do what they do best right at the start of Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday, rescuing some prisoners from an Iraqi base. Problem is the intel they had was bad and the base is armed to the teeth. Skip Lang (Michael McGrady) ignores orders to retreat because he isn’t going to leave anyone behind. His team including Mac McKinney (Robert Patteri), Hutch (Spencer Rochfort, Acapulco H.E.A.T.), Lombardi (Todd Jensen, Cyborg Cop) and Sparks (Gavin Hood, Traitor’s Heart) of course all agree with Lang and we are treated to an action packed opening. You should only watch if you like tanks, helicopters (both exploding and non-exploding) grenades and enough spent ammunition to make John Rambo blush.

- Keep Climbing – Not following orders is not something the military looks highly upon so the boys from Delta Force are called into a hearing regarding their non-sanctioned, but successful, mission. In a strange form of timing that only happens in the movies, while Lang and his men are in the hearing, his estranged father Halsey Lang (Dale Dye, Starship Troopers) is captaining a cruise ship that is being hijacked by terrorists. The cruise gig is what Papa Lang did after he retired from his submarine captain gig. To make things even more personal, Lang’s mother and sister are on the ship with the elder Lang. This terrorist act causes the hearing to be interrupted and allows Delta Force to get back at it, but this time it is personal.
- Daylight Again – There is actually a Russian sub that is getting hijacked at the same time as the cruise ship. That is where we meet the renowned mastermind terrorist Flint Lukash (J. Kenneth Campbell). How do we know he is a mastermind? Besides the military brass reminding us, Lukash positions the sub right under the cruise ship. Good luck blowing up the sub without taking out the cruise ship as collateral damage. (Collateral Damage! Now I remember that is the movie I recognize Campbell from!) Delta Force decides to go cruising and rescue the passengers on board, but that is not before Lukash has Halsey Lang transferred to the sub. So his past as a sub captain was important. Interesting.

- Statesmen – Russia isn’t happy that one of their subs was hijacked so their plan is to just blow up the sub, and they couldn’t care less about the passengers. Luckily, Delta Force rescued the cruise ship (the hijackers dressed in red cruise ship waiter tuxedoes didn’t stand a chance), but that doesn’t stop the Russians from attempting a little sub hunting. Sub battles always seem so tense and exciting in movies and underwater explosions are cool. I don’t think the battle in ODF2 is realistic (or completely new footage not from another movie) but I enjoy it.
- ▲ – In case it wasn’t obvious, since Lukash has control of a Russian sub, Lukash has nukes. Delta Force versus nukes sounds like a great finale. For the most part it is, especially if you are rooting for Delta Force. Yes, there are some casualties for Delta Force, although none of them fatal, but they are members of Delta Force for a reason and that is they are the best. Lukash proves to be a worthy adversary but you pretty much know how this one is going to end from the start. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday brings back the same characters, but you don’t need to have seen the original to enjoy. It may not be for anyone wanting to see realistic special forces operators but if you just want to see lots of action with likable characters you should have a good time. There is a reason that there are at least 5 Operation Delta Force movies. So before you go watching the entire series take a look at some Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday Bonus Bullet Points.
- Best Gag – When the orchestra on the cruise ship is purportedly playing, the CD starts to skip, their subterfuge is exposed but the audience loved it and they still get a rousing applause.
- Best Quote – Right before Halsey Lang is kidnapped he yells, “Mayday! Mayday!”
- Clean Slate – Many of the characters return to the other entries in the Operation Delta Force series, many different actors can play the same character, or different characters, or return after an absence.