5 Times I Fell in Love With Radha Mitchell
It all started shortly after Y2K. The world was on the brink of a possible catastrophe and it just sounds crazy to think that the globe was on edge with what might happen as the clocks struck midnight. I, on the other hand, was busy watching the Vin Diesel led sci-fi actioner Pitch Black. Little did I know that while watching Diesel punch and slam his way across an alien terrain, the lovely Radha Mitchell would be slamming her way into my heart. The fact that her character arc was so great in the movie just made that much more attractive to me.

A few years later, Radha would star alongside the legend Denzel Washington and Latin Superstar Marc Anthony in 2004’s Man on Fire. It was a remake of a Scott Glenn film but that didn’t stop me from re-falling in love with the always delightful Radha Mitchell.

Fast-forward a few more years and Radha returned to her native Australia to do battle with some ferocious crocodiles. Rogue is often considered among the best of the killer croc movies and I have to agree because Mitchell wears a cute little ballcap and I clearly have a thing for her.

2010’s The Crazies was another remake starring Radha Mitchell as the pregnant wife of Timothy Olyphant. The George A. Romero story translates surprisingly well to the modern day and Radha is her always beautiful self. Even when she’s running from psychopaths and occasionally blasting them in the face with a shotgun.

Finally on my list, the first entry in the series of films where Mike Banning whoops terrorist asses like no man in human history. Olympus Has Fallen exploded on the screens and paved the way for Gerard Butler to rack up a body count that would make Chuck Norris proud. He couldn’t have done a lick of that without the support and inspiration from his wife Leah. Of course it’s Radha again and there I was feelin’ some type of way again. Lucky for me, she continues to pump out quality pictures with the beauty and grace of a unicorn ballerina. It’s safe to say that I’m here for her if she ever needs me.