Scene of the Week: “Welcome to the Jungle”
Back to school means different things to different people. I am sure those of you in school don’t like the thought of going back to class, but for those of us done with their schooling it is completely different. When I look back at my time in school I am filled with nostalgia about all the good times. Of course, I didn’t go to fair Eastside…
This week’s Scene of the Week takes a look at the opening credits to the 1989 high school classic Lean on Me. When you see the levels of depravity that occur in the halls of Eastside High School you probably won’t be so nostalgic about your high school days… unless you like fighting, sink defenestration, bullying, drug dealing, illegal weapons and introducing the back of a head to the floor. The opening scene does show why ‘Crazy Joe’ Clark (Morgan Freeman, not pictured) is needed to clean up Eastside and the change is what makes Lean on Me so great. While I acknowledge the name of the movie and the Bill Withers song and Club Nouveau version, I’ll take GnFnR anyday.