Ryan Shoots First: Ahsoka (Episodes 1 & 2)
I know this show was announced a while ago but I really can’t believe we’re here. Ahsoka has arrived with a tremendous two part premiere.

Everything about the show feels big, we get an opening crawl, the sets are big, and the score is PEAK. It feels like some of the budget Obi-Wan didn’t have went to this cause the production level is very high. Beyond that, the show does not catch up on the events of Rebels and much has been made of how this show is a direct sequel to Rebels. It’s practically a Rebels Season 5. And while there are many great recaps on YouTube and some great lists of “key episodes” to watch there will be many coming to this with no knowledge about what’s happening. To that point, the premiere does a great job of dropping context clues here and there so even if we don’t know who Sabine is or who Ezra is we know the type of person she is and that he means a lot to her. Our brain can pretty much fill in the gaps quickly. With just a little media literacy you can sort out pretty much what’s going on in the show and hey if you want to get the whole story well head on over to the Rebels section of Disney+!
Back to the show though we do have some newcomers mainly in the way of the late Rey Stevenson playing ex-Jedi Baylen Skioll and he is terrific. He has a presence as he has always been a part of Star Wars. I buy that he has had a whole history in this universe and he even gives off a lot of Qui-Gon vibes almost like an alternate version of Qui-Gon that leaves the order and is disillusioned. He isn’t just “I’m a bad Jedi now” There is a lot alluded to in these first 2 episodes and I really can’t wait to see where he goes. I could go on about how just perfect everyone was, Hera was great, Chop is so Chop it had me rolling. We had some great easter eggs and great casting from those who voiced their show counterparts. It was just perfect and that’s all cause Dave is firmly at the helm of the show. These are his characters, his babies and no one can handle them better when switching formats to live action. But it looks like the show will pivot around the relationship between Ahsoka and Sabine and while we’ve seen Ahsoka a few times now in live action we are now exploring more into why she is the way she is now. Why she is reluctant to train and just what motivates her beyond just wandering around helping people? Since she left the order and saw the Jedi fall and her master that she idolized fall to the dark side only to be redeemed by his son. She’s seen and gone through so much it will be nice to see how that has changed and influenced who she is now. Similar to Sabine, there has been some history off-screen between her and Ahsoka as she attempted to train under her, I am sure we will explore this more as the season goes on and while now the two are coexisting for a common goal eventually they will need to face their past.
These first two episodes are a solid start and work well together, I cannot wait to see more and major props to Disney for debuting these in the evening when we all can watch and share this moment together instead of premiering it at 3 am ET. More of that, please!
Episode 1 “Master and Apprentice “
- Since Mando they have really nailed the way ships just look on screen.
- I’m loving this score
- Stevenson has a great Jedi voice
- His presence… I love this guy already
- Man, you can feel they put a lot into this show. This got the budget Obi-Wan didn’t
- In a world of Star Wars Ponchos, no one wears it like Ahsoka
- Seriously, how is this shot a real thing, Hera and Ahsoka in live-action.
- I get for People that didn’t watch Rebels this all may seem off but I know… and I don’t care this is amazing.
- That’s a great pull casting the voice actor as the live action. Very cool.
- Perfect intro to Sabine. Even if you have no idea who she is this tells you exactly who she is.
- Loth catttttt!
- Dang Morgan was a nightsister?!?
- There’s Jabbas Scout Trooper helmet!
- This interaction feels awkward and it’s obvious something went down between these two which is great they played the tension perfectly.
- Here we go! Just missing her jet pack
- I love the idea of someone non-Force sensitive training in the Jedi way
- Haha first 4 credits are all Dave, this is his baby.
Episode 2 ” Toil and Trouble“
- I noted this in some trailers but this looks a lot like the meditation menu from Jedi Survivor.
- That may be the first time I have ever seen someone reference someone else being a hologram in Star Wars I love it.
- Hera is the best Space Mom
- There’s our favorite murder boi!
- I like the Idea of how insecure Ahsoka is to train someone. When you think how much she idolized Anakin and not only for it to fail but then for him to fall… how would she ever get over that.
- We have David Tenant in Star Wars gang… we eating Good
- HAHA, Chop cares not for collateral damage.
- He said “Did you go through my stuff man I love this droid.
- Oh you know we got a mega weapon.