The “City of Angels” has gone through an awful lot of disasters over the years; earthquakes, wildfires, race riots, and who could forget the municipal bus full of 30 hostages taken by the maniacal Simon Phoenix! Whatever is the world to do when face to face with a psychotic killing machine?

“Send a maniac to catch one”. That’s what veteran Supercop Det. John Spartan tells himself as he bungee jumps from a moving helicopter straight into enough gunfire to capture a small fort during the French and Indian War. What makes John such a maniac, though? I would say it’s his extreme methods that he’s willing to put HIMSELF through in order to catch the criminals. Behavior like that from a policeman wouldn’t just get you an medal in 2023, it would get you thrown in prison….

Hey, look! A justice system that prosecutes hero cops more harshly than criminals. John is about to spend a few decades getting brainwashed by the Dept. of Corrections. Our kids today only spend about 12 years getting it done by the Dept. of Ed.
Fast-forward to August, 2032. The Fast series is probably on its 14th sequel and L.A. is now San Angeles. Taco Bell has won The Franchise Wars and now that’s the only place you can eat. Probably still gives you the shits, though.

Say it with me, “The Verbal Morality Statute can go fuck itself.” In fact, this future “paradise” already banned alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, contact sports, meat, bad language, and gasoline…. am I getting your attention yet?
John Spartan is the walking, talking embodiment of “toxic masculinity”. The very thing the weaklings fear. Peace through superior firepower. “Speak softly, and carry a big stick.” All that stuff. He drives fast, curses often, and refuses to concede the things that make him human. The things that make him a servant of the people and allow him to stand as shield between the criminal vermin and civilization.

At some point during Demolition Man, Bullock’s Lt. Huxley and Benjamin Bratt’s Officer Garcia finally see the light when it comes to Spartan’s methods. They make their way into the underground pit of despair where all of the “free” people live. They’re free to say what they think, sing as they wish, and live as they please. Unfortunately for them, they’re not free to eat as they’ve been mostly cut off from all food from the world above and are forced to sneak and steal to survive.

In the end, brute force wins out. Spartan literally kicks Phoenix’s head off and shatters it on the ground. The world built by the evil fascist fuckwad comes crashing down and John runs away from his second explosion. Neither of their worlds were perfect but they now have hope that somewhere in the middle just might be the ticket. That seems like a great way to end…or maybe a great place to start.

61st Amendment to the Constitution to get the Austrian Oak as POTUS. Sounds plausible.