Bullet Points: Death Chase
Some movies have titles that really have nothing to do with the actual movie.
Then there are movies like 1988’s Death Chase, that are spot on with their titles.
Death Chase opens with a guy (we will call him Mike for the purposes of this review) driving a white Cadillac Coupe DeVille being pursued by two guys in Dodge Dart Swinger. The dude riding shotgun in the Dart has an actual shotgun and is attempting to bring death upon the man they are chasing… if that’s not a death chase, I don’t know what is?

- Ready Player Two: The opening chase ends up on a residential street where adult siblings Steven (William Zipp, Future Force) and Sheila were getting some exercise and enjoying the great outdoors via bike riding. When the two cars in the chase show up and the bullets start flying, Steven tackles Sheila to the ground and shields her… but when Sheila sees Cadillac Mike get shot, her instinct is to get up and go help him… as a result she ends up shot dead! Steven goes over to the dying Cadillac Mike and blames him for his sister’s death. Cadillac Mike hands him his gun and tells Steven, “You’re it and good luck!” Now with a gun in his hand, Steven is approached by one of the pursuers… one thing leads to another, and Steven shoots the dude. All while an old lady across the street sees it so she can scream bloody murder. Steven suddenly finds himself in some sort of deadly game of tag.
- The Gamesmaster: At this point we are introduced to Mr. Steel (Paul L. Smith, Desert Kickboxer) he has observed what has gone down and calls it in to the mysterious Chairman, part of his duties as the Gamesmaster. The game does not normally allow outsiders to play, but the Chairman is intrigued and Steven Chase (yep, that’s right the title makes even more sense) is officially in the game… Steven has made his way back to his apartment and at first calls the cops, but thinks the better of it, likely realizing they would never believe his story as true as it may be. Instead, Steven calls his buddy Eddie (Reggie D. Morton, Legion of Iron) and tells him he needs his help. Steven then starts packing a bag, when he hears an alarm, followed by two guys busting in, telling Steven that they are after the money!?!? What money!?!? Eddie must not live too far away, because he shows up and saves Steven’s ass… Steven then tries to sneak out via the fire escape and is met in the alley by two cops, who are at this point looking for the cold blooded murderer that is Steven Chase. But before Steven can be arrested, Mr. Steel intervenes and shoots the cops… and Steven is on the run!

- Cupid’s Arrow: While running across a street, Steven is hit by Diana (Bainbridge Scott, Hell Squad). Like any good driver should be, Diana is concerned that she hit a pedestrian, but then when she realizes that Steven has a gun and that the cops are after him for murder… she understandably gets freaked out. Instead of just taking her car, Steven forces Diana to go with him. The two end up at a park, where Steven attempts to collect his thoughts and figure out his next move… that’s about the time two beautiful blonde denim warriors pushing a baby stroller show up and start shooting at Steven (and due to her proximity, Diana)… Steven and Diana manage to escape that predicament with their lives, while the denim warriors end up in the drink! After nearly getting Diana killed, Steven thinks it is best if they go their separate ways… Meanwhile, Steven’s buddy Eddie has a confrontation with the detective that is investigating the shootings from earlier in the day, Lt. MacGrew (Jack Starrett, First Blood). MacGrew wants Eddie (who we learn is out on parole) to find out why his buddy Steven is running around with a gun and shooting people and if Eddie doesn’t help, MacGrew will contact Eddie’s PO and throw him in prison for another 5 years. Eddie is between a rock and a hard place, and the look on his face is that of a man who is not happy about having to do somebody else’s work.
- Girls! Girls! Girls!: After walking away from Diana, Steven finds himself at a strip club… he orders a beer and he is soon joined by Mr. Steel, an unwelcome drinking companion to say the least. When Steven excuses himself to use the men’s room, he is nearly killed by two guys looking to win the game and the money… this leads to a lavatory fight and Steven is soon on the run again. Fortunately for him, Diana finds him (and even picked him up some fried chicken). We find out that Diana’s father was a military man and that as a result, she knows all about guns, so she can take a look at the gun Steven was given and see if there is anything unusual about it… well, lo and behold there was a transmitter hidden in the handle of the gun… this would explain how the hunters knew where to find Steven time and time again. What was not explained was what Diana’s occupation was that it involves a computer where she can plug in the gun’s serial number (more on that in the Bonus Bullet Points) and find out who it belongs to!? Not surprisingly, Steven and Diana begin to enjoy one another’s company and shortly after the sexy time begins… two more money grubbing bastards show up. Knock Steven out and then one of the dudes decides he will attempt to sexually assault Diana, while his buddy watches excitedly… that is until Steven comes to, stabs the buddy in his crotch and bludgeons the other guy to death! What is happening to Steven!?!?!

- Games Without Frontiers: The next day as promised, Diana goes to the office and finds out that the gun is associated with a Swiss bank account with $1 million dollars in it… that’s when Lt. MacGrew shows up and tells her he wants to help Steven. MacGrew and Diana find Steven after he had a rematch with the denim warriors… and it isn’t long before we learn that MacGrew doesn’t want to help Steven, he wants to help himself to the $1 million dollars! When Steven manages to get away from MacGrew, he hops on a motorcycle that leads to another chase that ends in death. Which is followed by another chase (this time involving Diana and Eddie) and then to top it all off… a boat death chase!!! Once the chasing is over… all that is left for Steven to do is to deal with Mr. Steel and the mysterious chairman!
Death Chase was another production of Action International Pictures and its maestro, David A. Prior. The AIP folks once again managed to make an entertaining film with limited resources… it’s no Deadly Prey or Invasion Force, but it was still a lot of fun and it had Paul L. Smith!!
Speaking of fun, here’s some Bonus Bullet Points…

- AKA: Death Chase is also known simply as Chase.
- The Little Things: The serial number of the gun begins with AIP… very clever!
- If You Ever: …wanted to see a hero attempt to escape death by hiding out in a peep show, then Death Chase is the movie for you.
- Obvious Quote: “I’m the bad guy!” – Mr. Steel