Ryan Shoots First: The Acolyte (S1 Ep4) “Day”
Well, if you have been plugged in at all to standard Star Wars discourse online you may have been shocked to fire up the Disney+ app and sure enough Star Wars is not dead! Sure enough, there was the fourth episode of The Acolyte, “Day”. Funny how that worked out.
Day, returns to the current timeline in the story as the Jedi seek out Mae before she can kill Kelnacca. Osha attempts to leave and let the Jedi handle it but the force and Sol have other plans for her. The rest of the episode is a race to the Wookie Jedi as Mae and her sketchy companion Qimir navigate a dense forest on the uncharted planet Khofar. We get some nice character interactions as is standard for a travel episode. If this was a DnD session this is the small talk that happens during a long rest or on the way to the next encounter. We see Jecki and Osha developing quite the friendship and Sol once again alludes to some stuff about that faithful day in the past that he has to confess to Osha. Also, Yord is back fresh of his social media viral hit status as the Yord Horde has become a juggernaut. We also get to meet everyone’s next favorite Glup Shitto Bazil, the tracker Ferret that I can already see plushes of flying off the shelf. The music also really stuck out in this episode it felt very Prequal era with the playful strings hinting to the mystery that is unfolding.
The interactions were great but the big moment happens in the final 30 seconds of the episode and while it was one heck of a cliff hanger I really feel like they should have given us a bit more in this episode. We devoted a whole episode to the journey give us just a little more payoff but next week’s episode stands to be a must-see and should kick off with a bang. Let’s just say many lightsabers will be a-twirling.
- Khofar looks breathtaking
- What you up to Kalnaka?
- Jecki is back!
- And feed your lawn…feed it!
- That’s a really cool ship
- Yea, that dude is totally Darth Teefers
- Kaidi Mundis dad?
- Whispers!
- When Sol talks, I hang on every word.
- Yord Horde !!!
- Yord is the master of comprehensive briefings
- A translater! Never seen that.
- Haha, Bazil is too cute
- Don’t touch!
- Yuck
- Smooth Mae
- Here we go!
- Ruh-roh
- Yea a saber definitely did that
- That was sweet when the light slowly left the room, well done.
- The music here is great.
- Woahhh
- Oh shit
- Oh cmon!!!! No no no give us more!