Scene of the Week: Happy Birthday Donald Gibb!
In honor of the upcoming 10th Actionversary of Bulletproof Action, we have decided to bring back a retired feature for a limited run… it’s the return of the Scene of the Week! And what better way to bring back one of the longest running features on the site, then by using it as a way to show our appreciation for character actor, Donald Gibb.
Donald Gibb was born on August 4, 1954 in New York City. Gibb’s massive 6’4″ frame led to him playing both basketball and football in college. He even earned himself a spot on the San Diego Chargers’ roster. But Hollywood was calling and Gibb left behind a professional football career to pursue acting and the world is a better place for it.

Gibb first made a splash in Hollywood as the over the top jock, Ogre, in 1984’s Revenge of the Nerds. But action fanatics will always remember him as Ray Jackson, Frank Dux’s big buddy, in 1988’s Bloodsport. Gibb would even reprise the role of Ray Jackson in 1996’s Bloodsport II.
In this week’s Scene of the Week, we will witness Ray Jackson battling the reigning and defending Kumite champion, Chong Li (Bolo Yeung), in a quarter final match up that didn’t end well for Jackson, but the fight proved to be a pivotal scene in Bloodsport, setting up the Frank Dux (Jean-Claude Van Damme) vs. Chong Li finals!