Bullet Points: Lost Bullet (2020)
Recently, while perusing some of the upcoming releases on Netflix, I came across a movie that looked like it would be perfect for Bulletproof Action! It is the third and final installment of the “Lost Bullet”. It is Last Bullet and it hits the streaming giant on May 7th, 2025!
There was one slight problem… I never saw the first and second installment of the “Lost Bullet” franchise, although I knew it was a problem that could be easily remedied. So, I fired up the Netflix machine and searched for 2020’s Lost Bullet…

- The Mechanic: Lino (Alban Lenoir) is a next level mechanic. As the movie begins Lino is modifying a Clio to be used for the ultimate smash and grab. Lino’s friend, Quentin (Rod Pardot), owes some bad people some major money… so Lino comes up with a plan to drive through a jewelry store and steal the money to pay off Quentin’s debt… To his credit the Clio smashes through the thick concrete wall of the jewelry store and then it keeps going, ending up on the next block when Lino is unable to stop the car. Worse Lino can’t get out of his harness… he tells Quentin to take off as the sound of police sirens approaches… Lino is arrested and thrown in prison.
- Second Chances: Fortunately for Lino, Charas (Ramzy Bedia) a cop who runs an anti-go fast task force, presents Lino with an interesting opportunity. Charas already has the best drivers on the force, but now he wants Lino to be the team’s mechanic so they have the best cars too. Obviously, accepting this deal is a no brainer on Lino’s part and after a few months of exceptional service, Charas has arranged for an early release for Lino… he then takes Lino to the team’s new garage and the new fleet of supercharged vehicles that Lino will get to work on. But when Charas suspects that Lino’s old buddy, Quentin, may be performing the same task Lino is but for the bad guys… Lino’s world begins to fall apart!

- Farewell Friend: Sure enough Quentin finds himself working for the nasty individual he owed money to, Jacques. When Lino shows up to take Quentin out for a drink, Jacques and his muscle, Kad, pull guns on Quentin and Lino… it’s not looking good until Charas swoops in and diffuses the situation. Charas is ready to drive off with both Lino and Quentin… when two more members of the anti-go fast brigade show up, Areski (Nicolas Duvauchelle) and his partner, Marco (Sébastien Lalanne) show up and it becomes clear that these two cops are working WITH Jacques… Jacques tells Areski to shoot Quentin, who is sitting in the backseat of Charas’ car… but the bullet misses Quentin and KILLS Charas! Quentin is snatched back up by the baddies, but Lino manages to get away… temporarily.
- One Phone Call: Lino makes his way to a gas station (and with Charas’ gun in his hand) demands a phone. Lino calls the one remaining person on the team he believes he can trust, Julia (Stéfi Celma), but Julia doesn’t pick up before Lino finds himself picked up by the cops… At the police station, Lino is visited by Areski… who lays out the story that Lino should tell so they can all walk away from this incident. But Lino isn’t going for it, so Areski tells him that the murder of Charas will now be pinned on him… this leads to a daring escape attempt by Lino, which sees him tune up ten cops who are trying to subdue a man who in no way is going to give up! He makes his way back to the team’s garage and tries to tell Julia what REALLY happened… but that doesn’t go well, however at the garage, Lino realizes that Charas’ car has not been accounted for and that the bullet that killed Charas is lodged in the dashboard… the LOST BULLET if you will!

The third act has the race to recover Charas’ car (and the lost bullet), more carnage, Lino putting his next level mechanic skills to good use, a high speed chase and a HOT finish… plus, the perfect setup for Lost Bullet 2: Back for More, which I plan on covering next month, ahead of the release of Last Bullet in early May. And if the rest of the franchise is even half as good as 2020’s Lost Bullet, I think I am in for a good time!