Carl Weathers

Bullet Points: Hurricane Smith

What happens when you mix a pre-existing weather disturbance with warm tropical water, some thunderstorm activity and low wind shear? The answer is a hurricane. What happens when you mix Carl Weathers and the wonderful world...

5 Questions: Action Jackson

There is one question that always comes to mind when I think of Action Jackson… why didn’t Carl Weathers get the opportunity to reprise the role of Jericho “Action” Jackson? Action Jackson was an opportunity for...

5 Questions: Force 10 from Navarone

I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a big war movie buff. But when you throw Han Solo and Apollo Creed in a war movie, you’ve got my attention. The 1978 film, Force 10 from...

Bullet Points: Action Jackson

Carl Weathers has been blessed with some of the best character names in entertainment history… Apollo Creed, Fortune Dane, Sundog, Chubbs and Jericho Jackson a/k/a ACTION JACKSON! And it is 1988’s Action Jackson that will be...