
PM Entertainment’s Honorable Mentions

The reaction to Bulletproof Action’s Ultimate PM Entertainment Countdown was tremendous. But when you are compiling a list of the best of the best from a company like PM Entertainment, that churned out so much product,...

The Ultimate PM Entertainment Countdown

PM Entertainment had a direct to video empire back in the 1990’s. Their various titles could be found on video store shelves around the world. Over the past five years, the movies of PM Entertainment have...

Cannon’s Honorable Mentions

Bulletproof Action celebrated its four year anniversary in grand fashion this year when we presented The Ultimate Cannon Countdown! The Top 10 list, generated by compiling the opinions of the Bulletproof Action staff and some friends...

The Ultimate Cannon Countdown

I honestly do not believe there would be a Bulletproof Action if there was never a Cannon Films. Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus changed the movie game and created a generation of action junkies in the process....