Chuck Norris from A to Z

Carlos Ray Norris was born on March 10, 1940 to Wilma and Ray Lee Norris. Nobody at the time could have predicted that little Carlos Ray would grow up to become on of the most...

Ryan Shoots First: Mickey 17 (2025)

Mickey 17 marks the return of the visionary director Bong Joon Ho. Ho has a wide breadth of films across various genres including Snowpiercer, The Host, and Parasite. Each one appears to be in a...

Bullet Points: American Commandos (1985)

Fresh off the release of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Commando, came Christopher Mitchum and John Phillip Law in American Commandos…. another in the long line of action movies produced and filmed in the Philippines during the Golden...

Bullet Points: Counterattack (2025)

It’s time to go south of the border, down Mexico way for another brand new Netflix action offering… 2025’s Counterattack… Counterattack delivers some great military style action, but what really grabbed me was the camaraderie...