5 Questions

5 Questions: Cyborg 2

Science fiction movies have been making us question things about reality, humanity, and all sorts of other things that we think we know about ourselves. Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow (huh?) isn’t the type of science fiction...

5 Questions: Killing American Style

Before the cult classic Samurai Cop and one of my personal favorites Young Rebels, writer/director Amir Shervan gave the world 1988’s Killing American Style. After watching an Amir Shervan movie, some people might ask “How do...

5 Questions: Brightburn

There was a lot of hubbub on the interwebs about Brightburn when the first footage was shown from the 2019 film. I guess the progression for the superhero genre is entering its “they’re really bad guys...

5 Questions: Gangs of London (S1 Ep1)

Gangs of London has been on my radar for quite some time. I thought it was coming to Cinemax, but it appears like it will now air on AMC this fall. If you’re in the United...

5 Questions: Red Scorpion 2

When I first learned of the existence of Red Scorpion 2 a few years back, two questions immediately came to mind… How did I not know about this movie? Where can I watch it? After years...

5 Questions: Lethal Ninja

Before I get into my 5 Questions about Lethal Ninja, let me answer a few questions that you may have… The laypeople and more mainstream action fans out there, who are not hardcore action movie fanatics...

5 Questions: Flash Gordon

There is no question why 1980’s Flash Gordon has such a loyal cult following… the comic strip characters come to life and the vibrant world these characters get to play in were indelibly etched into the...

Bullet Points: Running Red

If there is one lesson action movies like 1999’s Running Red starring Jeff Speakman have tried to teach the world, it is that you can’t outrun your past. Many an action hero has attempted to start...

5 Questions: Thor: Ragnarok

I’ve fallen a few years behind on my Marvel Cinematic Universe viewing regime. I just wasn’t able to keep up after Age of Ultron and I’ve plodded along ever since missing one or two each year....

5 Questions: Iron Eagle II

It had been years since I last watched 1988’s Iron Eagle II, the follow up to what is legit one of my all time favorite films. I would like to come on here and say that revisiting Iron Eagle II was a delightful stroll down memory lane,...