
Scene of the Week: Elvis in Kid Galahad

It isn’t often that I search for “Elvis Presley fight scenes” on YouTube but that just might change. With the recent news of James Campbell and Paul London’s collaboration on a Kung Fu Elvis Action Spectacular,...

Bullet Points: Uppercut Man

Look! Jogging over there! It’s a dude. It’s a guy. It’s Uppercut Man! There are two things about 1988’s Uppercut Man that immediately caught my attention. First, the fact that it sounded like the worst name...

Scene of the Week: Rocky vs Thunderlips

Rocky III gave us several things; it was the first film for Mr. T, it introduced the friendship of Rocky and Apollo Creed, it featured Survivor’s awesomely 80’s “Eye of the Tiger”, and maybe best of all...

Unofficial Sequels: Home Alone/Gladiator

Prepare for the newest addition to our ever-expanding list of features here at Bulletproof Action with Unofficial Sequels! Below you will find my explanation as to how the 1992 boxing film Gladiator is actually a sequel...