World’s Most Dangerous Grocery Stores – Vol. 1
In all my years of grocery shopping, I can honestly say that I have never felt my life was in danger. Although with today’s prices, a person going into cardiac arrest after seeing their total is...
In all my years of grocery shopping, I can honestly say that I have never felt my life was in danger. Although with today’s prices, a person going into cardiac arrest after seeing their total is...
We are gearing up for Christmas on Episode 135 of the Bulletproof Podcast with 1986’s Cobra! Join your host, Chris the Brain, along with Ryan Campbell and the “Toyman” Chris DePetrillo as they discuss the Sylvester...
Factories are inherently dangerous. With their heavy equipment, high voltage and volatile chemicals, factories are an accident waiting to happen. And when you throw in some movie heroes and villains, OSHA’s collective butthole puckers, because you’ve...
It has been more than five years since I last put an episode of Cobra, the short lived Michael Dudikoff action adventure series, to The Checklist test. For those of you unfamiliar with the series, Michael...
Last year I played a little game of What If… the scenario was What If instead of the Masters of the Universe movie, The Cannon Group produced a live action G.I. Joe movie in 1987. I...
When I saw the news that character actor Art LaFleur had passed away after a decade’s long battle with Parkinson’s disease earlier this week, I knew we had to put our regularly scheduled programming on hold...
In honor of Sylvester Stallone’s 75th Birthday, we are counting down his Top 10 Action Movies on Episode 44 of The Bulletproof Podcast. Your hosts Chris the Brain and Chad Cruise are joined by special guest,...
If you are a Sylvester Stallone movie and your main character isn’t named Rocky Balboa or John Rambo, chances are you aren’t getting the love you deserve. 1986’s Cobra is a great example of Sylvester Stallone...
Action fans can debate until the cows come home whether or not Cobra should be classified as a Cannon film or not. But what is not up for debate is that Cobra is an awesome slice...
I honestly do not believe there would be a Bulletproof Action if there was never a Cannon Films. Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus changed the movie game and created a generation of action junkies in the process....