David Bradley

Bullet Points: Blood Warriors

1993’s Blood Warriors is a movie I have been meaning to revisit for quite some time. I watched it years ago and it didn’t exactly leave a good first impression despite being directed by one of...

The Ultimate Nu Image Countdown

It could be said that Nu Image walked so that Millennium could run. Long before Millennium Films (now Millennium Media) resurrected the Rambo franchise and launched The Expendables and Has Fallen franchises, Nu Image was churning...

Scene of the Week: American Samurai

David Bradley was born on October 2, 1953 in Plano, TX… Bradley’s entry into the world of action movies came after a chance encounter with none other than Michael Dudikoff. Dudikoff was taking a break from...

Bullet Points: American Ninja 5

The American Ninja series is an unforgettable series in the history of Cannon. Michael Dudikoff became a true action star thanks to Joe Armstrong in American Ninja and many think the second film improves on the...

Bullet Points: Crisis (1997)

David Bradley’s acting career began in Cannon’s American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt. That got Bradley off on the wrong foot with a lot of Michael Dudikoff loyalists. I will admit I was among those Dudi loyalists...

The Honorable Mentions – Ninja Edition

Last month, Bulletproof Action celebrated its 7th Anniversary when we presented The Ultimate Ninja Movie Countdown. The mega-post featured the opinions of nine special guests along with the staff of Bulletproof Action. With that many opinions...

Bullet Points: Cyborg Cop

I am not exactly sure how 1993’s Cyborg Cop and I never crossed paths before my recent viewing, especially considering I saw both of the sequels years ago and admittedly had some Rifftrax like fun at...

Bullet Points: American Ninja 4: The Annihilation

By the time 1991 rolled around and American Ninja 4: The Annihilation was released, Cannon Group had seen better times. The glory days of releasing dozens of films each year with the hopes that a select...

Bullet Points: Expect to Die

There are certain things one can expect when going into a David Bradley movie… The movie will showcase David Bradley’s martial arts skills There is a better than 50/50 chance that the movie was produced in...