Harrison Ford

Scene of the Week: Tanks for the Memories

The swashbuckling adventures of everyone’s favorite archaeologist, Indiana Jones, have created countless memorable movie moments. Many of those moments have been in the Scene of the Week spotlight in the past… like the mine cart scene...

Scene of the Week: Anything Goes

After the runaway success of 1981’s Raiders of the Lost Ark, everyone could see a sequel was coming. But I seriously doubt anyone could have predicted that the sequel, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom...

The Essentials: 1989 Action

1989 saw the inauguration of George H.W. Bush as the 41st President of the United States. 1989 was also the year that the Berlin Wall fell. And Nintendo released their Game Boy console in North American...

Hall of Fame: Jack Ryan

Jack Ryan may be the greatest hero in fake American history. He has been protecting the country and the world from the evils of international terrorism and other assholes since his first film appearance back in...

Hall of Fame: Indiana Jones

If you asked 100 people who their favorite archaeologist was I would venture to guess at least 81 of them would say Dr. Henry Jones, Jr. or as he is better known Indiana Jones. The funny...

Scene of the Week: Roller Coaster of Doom

It has been reported that nearly 300 million people ride roller coasters each year. It seems roller coaster enthusiasts can not get enough of the controlled chaos and adrenaline pumping exhilaration from these amusement park “scream machines”....

Movie Kumite: Indiana Jones Edition

I am not even about to try to determine if Raiders of the Lost Ark is superior to Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade or vice versa. If you ask me on a Monday I might tell...

Election Day Special

After an election season that has been one long nightmare, millions of living and deceased Americans will visit the polls today to elect the next person to stand in front of hundreds of cameras and shrug...