Jackie Chan

Bullet Points: Skiptrace

Jackie Chan has 136 acting credits listed under his IMDB.com page. For a man who has been in the business of action movies for as long as he has been, there was bound to be a few stinkers...

Spies, Undercover Babes, and Beautiful Moles

Warning: Post contains a butt.   In the sometimes confusing world of undercover cop and gang infiltration movies, it’s very important to know who you can and cannot trust. Especially if you’re planning on sharing more...

Shit-Faced on St. Patty’s Day

The night started off like any other, only this wasn’t a normal evening; this was St. Patrick’s Day! Not that the holiday really meant anything to us, it was just another Tuesday and we were looking...

Bullet Points: Armour of God

Jackie Chan has almost died so many times doing stunts for what I would consider good to mediocre movies that you have to respect the man. I’ve always been a big fan of him but I...

Bullet Points: Police Story 3: Supercop

It is hard to believe that nearly 5 months after the launch of BulletproofAction.com that I have yet to review a film starring one of the biggest international action stars of all-time, Jackie Chan. That is...