The Essentials: Characters who should be Wrestlers

The Professional Wrestling world is filled with characters and “gimmicks” who are not only not plausible, but sometimes downright insane. But often times that is what makes them interesting. As a former (you never know?) wrestler...

Brainwaves: Game Changer

I could probably expound upon the virtues of the movie Predator from now until the day I die. In my opinion it is one of the best action movies ever made. I have seen it countless...

The Legend/Myth of Frank Dux

The story of Frank Dux is like that of the search for Bigfoot. As much as I want to believe all of the his stories; from his career as a covert operative, his Kumite fighting, and...

Survivor Series Special

I’ve been a fan of professional wrestling for decades now. And one of my favorite events each year is the WWE Survivor Series. Tomorrow night the WWE will present their annual Survivor Series pay-per-view event live...

Bullet Points: Kickboxer 2: The Road Back

If I had to pick a replacement for Jean-Claude Van Damme in the Kickboxer franchise, I have to admit that my first choice probably wouldn’t be the guy who would go on to play Cody Lambert...

Bad Girls: Kara – Double Impact

Some guys like chicks who are fit and some guys like chicks who are straight-up jacked! This post is more for the latter group. Kara, played by the yoked Corinna Everson, taunted and tormented the great...

Bullet Points: Swelter

When I heard the news that there was a new Jean-Claude Van Damme movie streaming on Netflix, Swelter immediately became the next thing on my watch list. Much like Dragon Eyes, Van Damme has a small role...

The Essentials: JCVD Villains

I have made the point before but I’m going to do it again… without a quality villain, your hero means nothing. And over the years, Jean-Claude Van Damme has had some top notch foes to defeat...

Bullet Points: Timecop

In this installment of Bullet Points, I have the privilege of presenting to you another of my favorite Van Damme movies of all-time, Timecop. Timecop successfully combined sci-fi and action elements along with the physicality that...

Bullet Points: Assassination Games

If you are in the mood for some action then you can do a whole hell of a lot worse than Jean Claude Van Damme and Scott Adkins. That isn’t to say that this movie doesn’t...