
Bullet Points: Puncture Wounds

In this edition of Bullet Points I take a look at the Cung Le/Dolph Lundgren film, Puncture Wounds. Or as it was originally titled A Certain Justice. The Premise: Cung Le plays John Nguyen, a soldier...

What Not To Watch: Final Encounter

In this edition of What Not To Watch, I look at the movie Final Encounter, or For The Cause as it is also known, or Boring Piece of Crap as it should be known. At first...

Bullet Points: China Strike Force

I can’t remember the last time I found a movie on Netflix that I had never seen before and was absolutely blown away by it. But that is exactly what happened when I checked out China Strike Force....

What Not To Watch: Reflex Action

Never has a movie in What Not To Watch history been more appropriately named than Reflex Action. The film will test any action movie fans’ gag reflex the entire 98 minutes it runs.  The Story: Quinn...

Bullet Points: Swelter

When I heard the news that there was a new Jean-Claude Van Damme movie streaming on Netflix, Swelter immediately became the next thing on my watch list. Much like Dragon Eyes, Van Damme has a small role...

Bullet Points: Rampage: Capital Punishment

Have you ever been surfing through Netflix and some of the poster art grabs your attention? That’s what happened to me this past week when I came across Rampage: Capital Punishment.   Look at that poster,...