PM Entertainment

Bullet Points: Alien Intruder

PM Entertainment loved a lot of things during the run. Chaotic car chases and sultry saxophone music are probably at the top of the list, but you can’t overlook their devotion to the sci-fi/action genre or...

Bullet Points: Coldfire

As much as social media can infuriate me at times, social media can also be a source of good. Like recently, when I was reminded of a PM Entertainment movie that I meant to check out...

Bullet Points: Con Express

Last month, the Switzerland based Fokus Media announced they had acquired the rights to release 30 classic PM Entertainment titles on Blu-ray beginning in 2024. This is obviously good news for PM Entertainment fans in Region...

Scene of the Week: The Silencers (1996)

When you think of PM Entertainment you probably aren’t going to immediately think of 1996’s The Silencers, but the action/sci-fi movie is about as PM Entertainment as it gets… This week’s Scene of the Week will...